Why…Hello! I am very pleased, and elated, and relieved (mostly relieved) to say that the first edition (i.e., for Yii 1) of “The Yii Book” is finally, finally, finally! done. I posted it earlier today. I’m going to skip the obligatory–and deserved–“OMG I’m sorry it took so long” and get onto the “What’s next?”.
First, this edition of the book, for version 1 of the Yii framework, is now officially in maintenance mode. I’ll only do another release in the 1.x series to fix errors. And I’ll probably be hesitant to do that.
There are a number of little things that I have to do with the book, such as tinker with the formatting, add additional content or explanation in certain areas, and so forth. Things that I didn’t like and want to change, or that you didn’t like and want me to change. All of those are being added to the second edition’s TODO list. (I actually have a running TODO list for it.)
Second, I’m going to start working on the second edition of the book, for Yii 2, immediately after the holidays. I’m not going to make any promises or predictions as to how long that will take; I’m no good at that. It is a priority, I’ll do it as quickly as I can, and that’s all I’ll commit to.
But I will say that revisions are far, far, far less work than the first edition, so there’s no way it’ll take 2 years. I’d like to think it’ll take less than 6 months, but I said I wasn’t going to make a prediction.
As promised, all updates on “The Yii Book”, including the second edition for Yii 2, will be free to anyone that has purchased an edition until December 31, 2016. That will cover the Yii 2 edition, changes and error fixes on that edition, and any bonus content I ever decide to create. I’m not promising that I will create bonus content, but if I do, it’ll be free to existing customers.
Third, in terms of the general plan, I don’t know whether I’m going to release the second edition all at once or in pieces. If I do it in pieces, at most it’ll be the four parts. I’ll probably see how long it takes me to do the first part and then make a decision.
Anything else? No, I think that’s it. I’m so relieved it’s done. So much work! I’ll blog about the experience later. In the meantime, I’m off to working on the second edition! After the holidays…
Happy Holidays to those of you celebrating holidays this time of year! Larry