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Using Oop For Mysqli Connection, Can'T Redirect

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Hello again,

I'm converting to mysqli OOP for connecting to my MySQL database. Previously I was using procedural mysqli. Basically, if I a connection can't be made to MYSQLI, I have a handle_error function that takes a user error message and a system error message and then uses the header redirect to my show_error page. I start the session in the config file, which is required on every page. It works when using procedural mysqli.


However I can't get it to redirect using MYSQLI objects. It just shows me a white page with the system error message when it can't connect to MYSQL, like it's throwing an exception. I thought only PDO threw exceptions? I must be missing something simple, but I haven't been able to figure it out. Any help would be appreciated.


$connection = new mysqli(HOST, USER, PASS, DB);
if ($connection == NULL){
handle_error('Message One', 'Message Two');
} else {
 return $connection;


And the handle_error function in my config file:


function handle_error($user_error_message, $system_error_message){ //handle all errors with this function
$_SESSION['user_error_message'] = $user_error_message;
$_SESSION['system_error_message'] = $system_error_message;
header("Location: ./show_error.php");

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This always happens. I spend a few hours trying to solve a problem, post on here, then figure it out. Why does the solution below work with OOP but not what I posted above?


$connection = new mysqli(HOST, USER, PASS, DB);
if (mysqli_connect_error()){
handle_error('Message One', 'Message Two');
} else {
 return $connection;

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