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Subscriber Comments
Thanks for your ‘Thinking’ messages, usually have a gem or two to find out about. - Gary M.
Thanks for the informative emails. For the times that I’ve had the time to invest and read them, they’re always thought provoking and I can tell you do put some time into them… - Luke
It is always with great interest that I read your newsletters as you always manage to touch upon relevant subjects. - Johan C.
By the way, I just finished reading your most recent newsletter. You mentioned the newsletters require a significant time investment - just wanted to say I find them really valuable, especially this issue’s article on PEAR. I highly recommend the newsletter to anyone who’s not already subscribed. - Michael J.
Thanks for the great newsletter as always, I always seem to read something informative or interesting that I can take away with me. - Jonathon C.
Your newsletter segment “Becoming a Better Programmer, Part 2″ was appreciated. I’ve implemented the practices you’ve suggested and regularly encourage others I work with (online) to do the same… especially better documentation…
Thanks again for sharing wisdom in your regular monthly newsletters. - Doug B.
Fantastic newsletter, as always! I love the “What are some sites that have been created based upon your work?” question. It puts all of the theory into practice. - Jason H.
I would like to thank you for your newsletters. I enjoy reading through them and learning about the latest topics that have either piqued your interest or you feel other developers should know about. What I have found I look forward to most is your reviews of emerging technologies or software you have learned about or tried or use on a daily basis. Although it would be nice to break away from the norm and try all the new programs meant to make your life easier, most of us do not have the luxury of doing so and we rely on word of mouth reviews from other professionals. The same goes for new technologies. When something new is developed, we ask ourselves is this worth my time and effort? Will this benefit me and what I do? What is the learning curve? To me, reading about what you use and what you’ve tried/liked/hated, really helps in my decisions. So, thank you. - Victor L.
I love your long, long newsletters because almost everything you discuss answers some question I have been struggling with! - Celia R.