On May 30, 2012, I’ll be speaking at the e-Commerce Conference and Expo in Istanbul, Turkey (note: the linked site is in Turkish, but if you view it in Google Chrome, for example, it will translate the pages for you). This is a one-day event, from 9:30 am until 5:00 pm. From 1:40 to 2:25, I’ll be presenting “Creating a Successful E-commerce Venture, or Failing Gracefully” as the conference’s technology session. At the end of this post is the presentation’s description.
If you’re in Turkey specifically, or nearby, I’d recommend you attend. And if anyone has any recommendations as to what I should do while I’m in Istanbul, please let me know!
The sad fact is that most online ventures, particularly e-commerce ones, will fail. It is irresponsible to go into a new project without being aware of that fact, and without acknowledging that the same fate could befall you or your organization. But it is exactly by recognizing the possibility, if not likelihood, of failure, that you better your chance of success. Or, if success is not to be, then the odds of failing without being crippled by the experience.
In this speech, writer and Web development expert Larry Ullman presents his best advice for succeeding in your e-commerce ventures. The speech begins with the big picture of what e-commerce is, in all its facets, and puts forth a healthy and prosperous perspective that you should have when starting a new project. The speech then goes into making the right, smart technical decisions, before concluding with case studies from Larry’s own experiences.
Some of the specific points covered include: • Establishing project goals • Allowing a site to expand organically • Understanding and enforcing security • Avoiding the common causes of failure
Whether you’re looking to create or expand an online extension of a conventional business, or are dreaming of creating the next Amazon, you’re sure to hear lots of practical, specific, and real-world advice in this speech.