Larry Ullman

Translating Geek Into English

Quick Status Update

3 mins to read

I (i.e., the blog) have been a bit quieter lately than I would prefer. I strive to post three times per week, but some weeks are more forgiving than others! So here’s a quick update on what’s going on in my world…

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 I gave there. I still plan on posting about the actual presentation itself, as well as a review of Scott Berkun’s book, " Confessions of a Public Speaker," which was quite helpful.


I’m just about finished with a small e-commerce project for a client, which should have been done an eon ago. But it will be nice to finally have that crossed off my list.


Tomorrow I take off to San Francisco for a whirlwind trip (which, hopefully, will go more smoothly than the trip to Istanbul!). On Wednesday and Thursday I’m doing training on JavaScript, jQuery, and jQuery Mobile. The training is part of a large week-long project aimed at educators, primarily college-level faculty and instructors. Most of the JavaScript and jQuery material comes straight from my " Modern JavaScript: Develop and Design" book. The content on mobile Web development and jQuery Mobile is new, and I expect I’ll be writing a bit about this subject in the future, particularly at the end of the summer (when I know I’ll be doing a couple of mobile Web sites).

Since I have to take a redeye flight home from San Francisco, I opted to fly back on Friday night. This gives me time on Friday to: have dinner with a couple of friends, meet with my publisher, and possibly grab another meeting in there if there’s time.

I mention all this because I won’t be very responsive (Twitter, email, blog, forums) for the rest of the week.


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is scheduled to go out in the next week. Hopefully I can get that written on the plane.


And, finally, most of my time has been spent working on the third edition of my " PHP Advanced and Object-Oriented Programming" book. I’m happy to say that 10 out of 15 chapters have been submitted. But I regret to say that I am, as always, behind schedule. I will get those last five chapters done in July and the book will come out late summer, I believe. The good news is that there’s plenty of new content, with an emphasis on OOP. So far I’ve added:

Those are the main new sections. There are also little added bits here and there, including in sidebars and tips. I’m using some new examples in the OOP sections, and adding more OOP design theory discussion.

Most of the remaining chapters are new material, too, which will cover:

As you can imagine, this will keep me pretty busy in July.


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, as well as creating the software to distribute and support it.

Thanks to everyone for their patience and interest in what I have to say and do. If you have any requests, let me know and I’ll add it to the list!