Larry Ullman

Translating Geek Into English

Public Speaking for Developers

A couple of developers that attend a lot of conferences put together an online " Day Camp 4 Developers". These are live, half-day blocks in which great presentations from recent conferences are done again, this time online. I’ve not attended, or viewed, any yet myself, but this Wednesday, March 22nd, the theme is “Public Speaking for Developers”. 

Public Speaking for Developers is a combination of four presentations:

  • Secrets to Success: How to Propose a Talk and Get It Accepted
  • Preparing to Speak
  • Baby Steps to Ballroom Dancing: Getting on the Path to Speaking Success
  • Worst Case Scenario

Tickets are $40, and you can watch the sessions live, or after the fact. I’m not sure when I’ll watch the videos, but I’m pretty sure I’ll be buying a ticket.

The timing is particularly apt, as my most recent newsletter was on the same subject.