I’m going to be speaking to the Frederick Web Tech group, in Frederick, Maryland, on Tuesday, March 3, 2015. The event is free, and if you’re in the greater Maryland-Washington, D.C.-Virginia-Pennsylvania-West Virginia-Delaware (why not?) area, I encourage you to come out. It’s going to be a cozy affair, with pizza and beer!
The specific presentation I’m doing is “How To Get There”, first given at the Northeast PHP 2013 conference, and revised as a keynote for php\[tech\] 2014 in Chicago. This is a motivational-type speech, in which I lay out the attitudes and behaviors you need in order to achieve your personal and professional goals. The official talk description is below.
The talk itself will begin around 7:00pm, and last around 45 minutes. There will be plenty of time for questions, during and after. Or you can have a beer with me later that night!
My thanks to the Frederick Web Tech group for having me!
I have a degree in English literature, with a minor in Philosophy and Religion. My only formal computer training was a Pascal class in high school. And yet, I’ve managed to become a relatively successful developer, writer, instructor, and speaker. And now I’m (quite honored to be) part of a significant start-up in Stripe. How in the world did this happen? Call it getting older, or having had varying experiences, or perhaps this is my mid-life crisis, but I’ve been reflecting upon the path I’ve taken and how I got to be where I am. I’ve come to the conclusion that success and achievement aren’t about learning X or Y technologies, but rather stem from having the right attitudes and behaviors. Whether you want to be a developer, the founder of a startup, a writer, or whatever, in this presentation, I’ll explain what I think you need to know and do to get to where you hope to be.