Larry Ullman

Translating Geek Into English

Adobe AIR (Adobe Integrated Runtime) with Ajax: Visual QuickPro Guide

2 mins to read

Adobe AIR\ (Adobe Integrated Runtime)\ with Ajax:\ Visual QuickPro Guide

Welcome to the companion Web site for the book Adobe AIR (Adobe Integrated Runtime) with Ajax: Visual QuickPro Guide, written by Larry Ullman and published by Peachpit Press in May 2008 (ISBN 0-321-52461-6).

Beside the handful of pages dedicated to this edition of this book, there’s plenty of other content on that you might be interested in. Use the “Post Categories” links above to browse by general topic. Any post that’s pertinent specifically to this edition of this book will also have the “airvqp” tag (also accessed through the “Extras” link on right).

You can download the code for the book using the link below. If you have any questions or problems, I’d recommend using the book’s corresponding support forum, where you’ll get the fastest answer.


Every script in the text is available here to be downloaded. Some things you should know:

  • Although these scripts are named or numbered as they are in the book, they do include any updates and changes as warranted by errors that were found after publication. Thus, if you are having problems with a particular script, download the most current version here or check the errata section.
  • The URLs as referenced in the book (e.g. are not available for execution online.
  • These are the scripts for the THIRD EDITION of the book. If you are using a different edition, click the appropriate link above to find the correct page.
  • These scripts have been formatted with line breaks that will work on most systems running most text editors. If you have difficulty opening a script, try:
    • adjusting the way your text editor treats text files
    • using a different text editor, if possible
    • posting a message to the online forum, asking for help

Complete Set of Scripts (152 KB, last modified 04/13/2008)

Extras (Referenced in Chapters 8, 12, and 14) (86 KB)