You can find formal reviews of this book at, by searching online. or through any other site that sells my books. Here are a couple of recent comments I personally received from other readers regarding this specific edition of this book:
I recently bought your book C Programming A Visual Quickstart Guide and would like to say it was fantastic and have recommended it to various people as a good starting text on C. You have left me itching for more advanced topics and was wondering if you are planning to write a version covering more advanced topics in c? Keep up the good work!
Aldrin F.
I have read and gone through your visual quick start guild “C programming.” The book has proved to most helpful, I really liked the visual examples accompanied by detailed explanations of every line of code. Bottom line great book, I have a Computer Engineering degree and a minor in computer science, but for whatever reason the concepts in your book which I have gone over many many times finally clicked! Thanks for the great book…
Seth T. (Washington)