[Modern Javascript:
Develop and Design](/books/modern-javascript-develop-and-design/)
You can find formal reviews of this book at Amazon.com, by searching online. or through any other site that sells my books. But here are some comments I’ve directly received regarding this book:
A breath of fresh air in the over-complicated world of JavaScript books. This is one I’ll keep close by! Jay Blanchard, Web developer and consultant and author of Applied jQuery: Develop and Design
I have to tell you—I really DO love the book. It is the new Definitive Guide. Diane
I picked up your JavaScript book a while back and have been enjoying it. I’ll admit to never really liking JS when I’ve had to use it, but I’m starting to make a little more sense of it. I’d also fallen out of touch with other developments (HTML5, IDEs), and have found the book good for getting a brush-up on those subjects, too. Ross
Thanks Larry and thanks for another excellent book. Its the first book I’ve come across that explains the code and the theory behind it rather than just showing the code to perform a specific task. I think I may start believing that I can program with javascript and learn oop. Margaux
I received your book yesterday and I started reading it, It was simply amazing. Thank you so much for going more in depth and actually explaining the stuff. Within the first few chapters I have already learned way more stuff. Way better than any other javascript book i have ever read or even videos i have watched. Benjamin
Thank you Larry, I just bought the ebook from Peachpit.com and it is … wait for it … awesome :D Reda