Larry Ullman

Translating Geek Into English

"PHP 5 Advanced: Visual QuickPro Guide" (2nd Edition) Reviews and Comments

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[PHP 5 Advanced:

Visual QuickPro Guide](/books/php-5-advanced-visual-quickpro-guide-2nd-edition/)

You can find formal reviews of this book at, by searching online. or through any other site that sells my books. Here are a couple of recent comments I personally received from other readers regarding this specific edition of this book:

Technical Reviewer Comment

Just wanted to drop you a note and tell you what a pleasure it was doing the tech review on your new book. You made my job pretty easy, code testing went well on Linux and Windows platforms, especially when I had them set up correctly!

I did want to personally say that the chapter on Advanced Object Oriented Programming is probably the best 40 or so pages I have ever read on the subject. Your descriptions and explanations on what can be a difficult thing to explain were spot on and should be read by every novice and intermediate programmer. I have been programming for years and have never explained these concepts with that much clarity. As soon as the book hits the stands I will be buying copies for every developer on my staff. Jay B.

Proofreader Comments

I loved the chapter, I, being well-knowledgeable in PHP, learned lots from the first chapter! I couldn’t find any grammerical or coding errors (I really looked….).

I just finished reading Ch. 3, and it’s amazing. Alec H.

I’ve completed my review of chapter 11 of your forthcoming book. Can I just say, even though I have only seen a small sample of your new book, I am very impressed, and am pleased to see you have maintained your accessible writing style. I really can not wait to go through the finished product from cover to cover. Callum D.

Congratulations on this great book!

I want to mention it here and some other places as well that I am sure this book is going to give your readers another pleasant surprise. I still did not see the whole book and I can hardly wait for my copy to arrive, but the chapter 7 - one on OOP - is absolutely fabulous! Efforts made to make invaluable information available in this chapter are visible and people will surely appreciate it. The price is also great and I believe and I hope the book will become another bestseller. Darko H. (Toronto, Canada)

Reader Comments

I’ve studied more than a few books on object-oriented PHP and PHP5 Advanced was the only book where my effort was rewarded in the end with competence. I think the key differentiating factor was that each chapter provided SIMPLE examples that illustrated the main point of chapter. Thanks. Wade M.

Many thanks for another outstanding book on PHP! Jerry N.

Excellent books. Like many of your readers, I eagerly await publication of the second edition of PHP Advanced.

Thanks for writing such useful books. Adrian C.