[PHP 5 Advanced:
Visual QuickPro Guide](/books/php-5-advanced-visual-quickpro-guide-2nd-edition/)
Chapter 1: Advanced PHP Techniques
- Multidimensional Arrays
- Advanced Function Definitions
- The HEREDOC Syntax
- Using printf() and sprintf()
Chapter 2: Developing Web Applications
- Documenting Code
- Code Style and Structure
- Modularizing a Web Site
- Affecting the Browser Cache
Chapter 3: Advanced Database Concepts
- Storing Sessions in a Database
- Working with US Zip Codes
- Creating Stored Functions
- Displaying Results Horizontally
Chapter 4: Security Techniques
- Remembering the Basics
- Validating Form Data
- Using PECL Filter
- Authentication with PEAR Auth
- Using MCrypt
Chapter 5: E-Commerce Techniques
- E-commerce Concepts
- Creating the Database
- Creating the Configuration File
- Making the Template
- Creating the Index Page
- Browsing by Category
- Showing a Product
- Implementing a Shopping Cart
- Validating Credit Cards
Chapter 6: Basic Object-Oriented Programming
- OOP Theory
- Defining a Class
- Creating an Object
- The $this Attribute
- Creating Constructors
- Creating Destructors
- Autoloading Classes
Chapter 7: Advanced Object-Oriented Programming
- Advanced Theories
- Inheriting Classes
- Inheriting Constructors and Destructors
- Overriding Methods
- Access Control
- Using the Scope Resolution Operator
- Creating Static Members
- Abstract Classes and Methods
Chapter 8: Real-World Object-Oriented Programming
- Catching Exceptions
- Extending the Exception Class
- Creating a Shopping Cart
- Using the Cart Class
Chapter 9: Networking with PHP
- Accessing Other Web Sites
- Working with Sockets
- Performing IP Geolocation
- Using cURL
Chapter 10: PHP and the Server
- Compressing Files
- Establishing a Cron
- Scheduling Tasks on Windows
- Using COM with PHP
Chapter 11: PHP’s Command-Line Interface
- Testing Your Installation
- Executing Bits of Code
- Creating a Command Line Script
- Running a Command Line Script
- Working with Command Line Arguments
- Taking Input
Chapter 12: Using PEAR
- Using Benchmark
- Using HTML_QuickForm
- Using Mail_mime
Chapter 13: Ajax
- Introduction to Ajax
- A Simple Example
- Full-fledged Ajax
- Debugging Ajax Applications
Chapter 14: XML and PHP
- What is XML?
- XML Syntax
- Attributes, Empty Elements, and Entities
- Document Type Definitions
- Parsing XML
- Creating RSS Feeds
Bonus Chapters
Two bonus chapters are available in PDF format as a free download. These two chapters are: Image Generation
- Background and Requirements
- Setting Colors
- Creating a Simple Image
- Debugging Image Creation
- Using TrueType Fonts
- Saving Images
- Generating Images within a Page
- Creating a Graph
- Building on Existing Images
Creating PDFs
- Background and Requirements
- Creating a Simple PDF
- Adding Text to PDFs
- Formatting Text
- Placing More Text
- Using Images
- Drawing Shapes