Larry Ullman

Translating Geek Into English

"PHP Advanced for the World Wide Web: Visual QuickPro Guide" Reviews and Comments

3 mins to read

[PHP Advanced

for the World Wide Web:
Visual QuickPro Guide](/books/php-advanced-for-the-world-wide-web-visual-quickpro-guide/)

You can find formal reviews of this book at, by searching online. or through any other site that sells my books. Here are a couple of recent comments I personally received from other readers regarding this specific edition of this book:

Thanks for the advice and indeed, for the book. It’s one of, if not, the best books I’ve seen on PHP. Andrew L.

As a long-time fan of your Visual Quickpro Guide to PHP, I finally took the plunge last month and started Object Oriented Programming, and have found your book to be an extremely helpful resource. Keep up the good work! Robin C.

I bought a copy of your book and the companion book for PHP/Mysql. Normally I learn programming from online manuals. I figured with 20 or so years programming experience in basic, C, perl, java and weirder stuff, and a few years working with and on app servers and other grungy tasks, learning PHP should take week or so of my time ;-). But then my kid was born– and he won’t let me sit down near a computer for more than 2 minutes!! Fortunately, I found your book and can read that at night when I’m exhausted. In the two weeks I’ve had them, I’ve learned loads of useful tips and tricks.

So, this email is just to say: great job! If I conceived of a book to teach me PHP for real-world tasks, this is the one I’d try to write for myself. Thank goodness you did it instead! It definitely is the book to own. Look forward to seeing what you’ve got coming up next. I’d love to see you write a reference book for PHP, too.

(Where do I send a check?) Will K.

First of all, thank you for your PHP advanced book. It was quite useful and I’m running my own web site using PHP. Ray B.

I bought your book few weeks ago and wanted to thank you for a great job. I am a C++/Windows programmer but never designed anything for the web. I learned HTML & PHP recently and enjoyed your book tremendously. I am looking forward for some of the promised extras that are in the works.

I like both your publishing and programming style. Good job. Sam K.(Oracle Corporation)

Just got through your PHP Advanced for www book - congrats on a well presented and concise reference book. Shane O.

I just wanted to say “thanks” for a terrific pair of PHP books. I had purchased several other titles and worked through portions of them, but they often left me more confused than when I started, the examples were from another planet, and there was no follow-through from one chapter to the next.

Your approach of building on the same material, adding yet another layer of complexity, is so much easier to follow, and your explanations are lucid. I will recommend these to anyone whose ear I can bend. Robert R.

I am enjoying the book very much. I cant put it down. Xavier V.