[PHP Advanced
for the World Wide Web:
Visual QuickPro Guide](/books/php-advanced-for-the-world-wide-web-visual-quickpro-guide/)
Chapter 1: Advanced PHP Programming
- Code Structure and Documentation
- Arrays
- Constants
- Function Recursion and Static Variables
- References and Functions
Chapter 2: Object-Oriented Programming
- Defining a Class
- Creating an Object
- Creating Constructors
- Object Inheritance
- Using Class Functions Without Instances
- Serializing Objects
- Destroying Objects
Chapter 3: Databases
- Database Design and Normalization
- Creating the Database
- Generating Query Results
Chapter 4: Security
- Validating Forms
- Validating Forms with JavaScript
- Mcrypt
- HTTP Authentication
- Web Server Security
Chapter 5: Developing Web Applications
- Database Design
- Site Structure
- PHP and OOP Templates
- Sessions
- Using Sessions Without Cookies
- Debugging
- Error Logging and Reporting
Chapter 6: E-commerce
- Creating the Database
- Administration
- Showing the Products Online
- Writing a Shopping Cart
Chapter 7: Networking with PHP
- Browser Detection
- Accessing Other Web Sites with PHP
- Using fsockopen()
Chapter 8: PHP and the Server
- Establishing a Cron
- Compressing Files with PHP
- Using COM with PHP
Chapter 9: XML and PHP
- What is XML?
- XML Syntax
- Document Type Definitions
- Parsing XML With PHP and Expat
- XML Error Handling
Chapter 10: Image Generation
- Creating a Simple Image
- Using TrueType Fonts
- Creating a Database-Driven Graph
- Saving and Building on Existing Images
Chapter 11: Creating PDFs
- Creating a Simple PDF
- Adding Text to PDFs
- Drawing Shapes
- Using Images
- Creating Multiple-Page PDFs
Chapter 12: Extending PHP
- Zend
- PHP Source Code
Appendix A: Installation
- Installing PHP with Apache on Linux
- Installing PHP on Windows with Xitami
- Installing PHP on Mac OS X with Apache
Appendix B: Databases
- Database Applications
- MySQL Resources
- Other Resources
Appendix C: General Resources
- PHP-Specific Sites
- Additional Libraries/li>
- Security
- Other Resources