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Posts posted by Larry

  1. Hey Nick, are you setting a "from" address when you send the email?

    Also, it may help if you use placeholder values when describing the problem here. I'm not 100% sure I understand the distinctions you're trying to make (e.g., sending the email to me vs receiving an email or all the uses of "me"). 

  2. So you have the script D:\xampp\htdocs\phpmysql4_scripts\ch09\view_users.php which is including ../mysqli_connect.php. The ../ bit means "go up one directory from the current directory". Up one directory from D:\xampp\htdocs\phpmysql4_scripts\ch09 is D:\xampp\htdocs\phpmysql4_scripts, so the code is looking to include D:\xampp\htdocs\phpmysql4_scripts\mysqli_connect.php. 

  3. Thanks for your questions and for the nice words. For the first question, when executing queries like this, there really is no "automatic". In a real application these queries would be executed by code that verifies the results as part of the process. For example, using PHP you could start a transaction, fetch the balances, adjust the balances, fetch the new balances, verify, and then commit. 

    For the second question, what you describe is called a "race condition" and can be prevented by implementing locks. So you'd lock the row, run one update, and then unlock the row. A subsequent query that would theoretically make a quantity negative (assuming that wasn't allowed) would then fail. 

  4. Thanks for your question, and for your patience! Mostly it's just hard--nearly impossible--to have a full-time job and a family and a house, etc. and work on the book. This is part of the reason why I don't spend any time on social media, too.

    However, finishing the Yii book is always on my mind. In fact, I took two weeks of vacation last month and spent that on the Yii book. I got a rough draft of half of what was remaining done. I still have the last five chapters to rough out, and then polish these last eight. So the short answer is: yes, it's still being worked on and I just made some decent progress by using my vacation time, but it may still be a while before I complete it. 

  5. It might be best if you start coding by documenting what you want to do and then convert those comments into code. For example:

    1. Add a record to the products table.
    2. Get the product ID for the record just added.
    3. If there are sizes, add one record to product2size for each size. This uses the product ID already fetched and the size ID, which comes from the HTML.
    4. If there are product categories, add one record to product2pcat for each category. This uses the product ID already fetched and the category ID, which comes from the HTML.

    So with that written out like so you can see for starters that you don't need to fetch the product ID multiple times, just once will do. You'll also see that steps 3 & 4 are parallel, not dependent upon each other (from what I can tell). But your code for step 4 includes "isset($sizeError)". I don't see why that's there. That may be why the third query isn't running? From the code and your comments it looks like the second and third queries could be executed in either order as neither depends upon the other. 

    There's nothing particularly special about running these three queries. I think you have some logic issues. As I recommended before, if you use a slew of print statements you could see what is or is not true or happening. It's a blunt debugging tool, but it works.

    Another likely cause of confusion is you're using both prepared statements and non-prepared statements. That's not really a good idea, from the point of comprehension. Moreover, you're not using prepared statements for the two queries that would benefit the most from the prepared statements. By using prepared statements the second and third queries can be executed within the foreach loops, nicely. 




  6. Could you be more specific than "the query did not run"? Did PHP attempt to execute the query but it didn't succeed? And, if so, what was the MySQL error? Or is it not getting to that point in your code where PHP is even trying to execute the query? You may want to litter your code with print statements to see what is or isn't happening, and what values exist where. 

  7. Yes, there's a typo there that's my fault--sorry!--in that you should be selecting the password from the database, too. 

    You have that in place in your code now. From your debugging work it seems that 

    if (password_verify($p, $row['pass'])) {

    is returning false. That means the problem is either with $p or with $row['pass']. I would start by registering a new user with a new password--just "password"--and testing that, just to rule out that you haven't mistakenly used the wrong password (i.e., the code is actually working properly!). I'd also print out the value of password_hash('your password') and make sure that entire value is being stored in the database (using phpMyAdmin or the like). 

  8. Thanks for the nice words. Yeesh on this error message, though! That command creates four keys (or indexes): on user_id, on username, on email, and on the combination of username and pass. None of those seems to be 100 bytes! My hunch is it's the login key that's causing the problem. Try removing that from the command (and delete the comma after `UNIQUE (email)` and try it again. 

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  9. Aside from the use of a cookie, the sessions are an entirely server-side thing, and the method in the book just uses a different cookie. I can't imagine this is messing up Google Analytics. 

    How do you know you can't reach Step 3 without Step 2? Keep in mind that even if Step 3 checks that Step 2 happened and reports an error message if it didn't, that still counts as a page view for Step 3. 

  10. Ah, right. Sorry for the confusion and my mistake. Chapters 12 & 13 are the only ones that interact with a database. Chapter 12 has a script that creates the database. Chapter 13 has a single CREATE TABLE command, which is in the book. That's why there's no dedicated SQL file in the download. With 20+ books, I had forgotten which books had what. 

    But the download contains a README file and 13 folders of scripts. There's more than just the .DS_STORE file, correct? 

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