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  1. Good Morning Larry. After user registers successfully, The email for registration confirmation I want include a link to an activation page site. at Page 90 Now I have activate page and code column set to NULL value so to complete the activation process it looks I am missing some php script which I want some help from you. I hope you understand, English is my second language Thanks
  2. Thank you very much Larry. Finally it's working. One more thing to ask: is there any other instructions for activating accounts when user registers? Thanks
  3. Good Morning. I am using Zend framework accessing the login page: $adapter = new Zend_Auth_Adapter_DbTable($dbRead, 'users', 'username', 'password', 'sha1(?)'); also I tested in dreamweaver log in user server behavior: if (isset($_POST['password'])) {$_POST['password'] = sha1($_POST['password']); } The thing is both logins fails. I think since the password stored as binary it cannot be dycrypted. is there anyway we can store the password SHA1 or MD5 directly in the database instead hash_hmac() Thanks
  4. thanks. The password hash stored as CHAR 40 in the database. and stored as something like ?c?~]?
  5. I want use SHA1 to hash the password instead hash_hmac() function and used the syntax in page 79 return mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc, sha1($password, true)); but it looks still the database storing hash_hmac() instead of sha1. please help.
  6. I know. All I am trying is after registration successfully to redirect the users to another page but I may not doing the right way. so is there a way to fix it ? Thanks
  7. Thanks again. I added the redirect page after $r = mysqli_query ($dbc, $q); if (mysqli_affected_rows($dbc) == 1) { // If it ran OK. header('Location: http://www.citidesigners.com'); and I am getting this error. An error occurred in script '/home3/citide/public_html/reg.php' on line 115: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home3/citide/public_html/reg.php:7) Array ( [0] => Array ( [function] => my_error_handler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home3/citide/public_html/reg.php:7) please help. Thanks
  8. Please little help if we want to redirect the visitors to different pages after successfully registred. Thanks.
  9. I added echo mysqli_error($dbc); after trigger_error('You could not be registered due to a system error. We apologize for any inconvenience.'); and it's working now. Thanks for the help.
  10. <pre class="prettyprint"> I added </pre> <pre class="prettyprint"> <span class="pln"><font color="#000000">echo mysqli_error</font></span><span class="pun"><font color="#666600">(</font></span><span class="pln"><font color="#000000">$dbc</font></span><span class="pun"><font color="#666600">);</font></span></pre> <p><span class="pun"><font color="#666600">after </font></span></p> <pre class="prettyprint"> <span class="pun"><font color="#666600"><span class="pln"><font color="#000000">trigger_error</font></span><span class="pun"><font color="#666600">(</font></span><span class="str"><font color="#008800">'You could not be registered due to a system error. We apologize for any inconvenience.'</font></span><span class="pun"><font color="#666600">);</font></span></font></span></pre> <p> </p> <p><span class="pun"><font color="#666600">It's working now and Thanks very much for the help.</font></span></p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p><br /> </p>
  11. Hello Larry. I need little help on registration page 80. I am getting this error when I uploaded to my site, but it looks fine and working on localhost. Also I am not getting an email that there is an errors on this page . Please help me. Thanks An error occurred in script '/home3/citi/public_html/test/includes/reg.php' on line 155: You could not be registered due to a system error. We apologize for any inconvenience. Array ( [0] => Array ( [function] => my_error_handler [args] => Array ( [0] => 1024 [1] => You could not be registered due to a system error. We apologize for any inconvenience. [2] => /home3/citi/public_html/test/includes/reg.php [3] => 155 [4] => Array ( [GLOBALS] => Array *RECURSION* [_POST] => Array ( [first_name] => test [last_name] => hello [username] => testings => test@example.com [pass1] => Hihi123 [pass2] => Hihi123 [category] => 3 [title] => test [description] => test [submit_button] => Next → ) [_GET] => Array ( ) [_COOKIE] => Array ( [__utma] => 8882487.567969204.1322294083.1322294083.1322294083.1 [__utmz] => 8882487.1322294083.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none) ) [_FILES] => Array ( ) [_SERVER] => Array ( [CONTENT_LENGTH] => 168 [CONTENT_TYPE] => application/x-www-form-urlencoded [DOCUMENT_ROOT] => /home3/citi/public_html/ [GATEWAY_INTERFACE] => CGI/1.1 [HTTP_ACCEPT] => image/gif, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, image/pjpeg, application/x-shockwave-flash, */* [HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING] => gzip, deflate [HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE] => en-us [HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL] => no-cache [HTTP_CONNECTION] => keep-alive [HTTP_COOKIE] => __utma=8882487.567969204.1322294083.1322294083.1322294083.1; __utmz=8882487.1322294083.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none); __utma=129758494.1909320003.1322984088.1322984088.1324242202.2; __utmz=129758494.1322984088.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none) [HTTP_USER_AGENT] => Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0) [HTTP_X_VIA] => Harmony proxy [PATH] => /bin:/usr/bin [QUERY_STRING] => [REDIRECT_STATUS] => 200 The Localhost looks fine . Thanks! Thank you for registering! To complete the process, please now click the below link to login the site Click Next An error occurred in script 'C:\xampp\htdocs\server\content\includes\reg.php' on line 139: mail() [function.mail]: Failed to connect to mailserver at "localhost" port 25, verify your "SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini or use ini_set() Array ( [0] => Array ( [function] => my_error_handler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => mail() [function.mail]: Failed to connect to mailserver at "localhost" port 25, verify your "SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini or use ini_set() [2] => C:\xampp\htdocs\server\content\includes\reg.php Thanks
  12. Hello Larry. I think it's different the one I posted last week. it looks the problem relates into shopping cart and wish list clicking one of them gives me this error. Thanks
  13. Hello I have a problem with cart.php is there anybody can help me fixing this errors Please. An error occurred in script 'C:\xampp\htdocs\SERVER\commerce\html\cart.php' on line 81: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given Array ( [0] => Array ( [function] => my_error_handler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given [2] => C:\xampp\htdocs\SERVER\commerce\html\cart.php [3] => 81 [4] => Array ( [GLOBALS] => Array *RECURSION* [_POST] => Array ( ) [_GET] => Array ( [sku] => O2 [action] => add ) [_COOKIE] => Array ( [sESSION] => ba0249306d8d4ca114d87bd61d5270a0 ) [_FILES] => Array ( ) [live] => [contact_email] => you@example.com [uid] => ba0249306d8d4ca114d87bd61d5270a0 [page_title] => Coffee - Your Shopping Cart [dbc] => mysqli Object ( [affected_rows] => -1 [client_info] => mysqlnd 5.0.7-dev - 091210 - $Revision: 304625 $ [client_version] => 50007 [connect_errno] => 0 [connect_error] => [errno] => 1305 [error] => PROCEDURE ecommerce2.get_shopping_cart_contents does not exist [field_count] => 0 [host_info] => localhost via TCP/IP [info] => [insert_id] => 0 [server_info] => 5.5.8 [server_version] => 50508 [sqlstate] => 42000 [protocol_version] => 10 [thread_id] => 20 [warning_count] => 0 ) [pid] => 2 [sp_type] => other [r] => ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => C:\xampp\htdocs\SERVER\commerce\html\cart.php [line] => 81 [function] => mysqli_num_rows [args] => Array ( [0] => ) ) ) Your Shopping Cart Your shopping cart is currently empty. Thanks
  14. Thank you very much Paul for pointing me the error. It looks solved for now. Thanks alot.
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