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Everything posted by deadbeat

  1. Thanks Larry!! This is what I came up with, for anyone who might be interested. $fp = fopen("../data/bookings.txt", "r"); $search = $_POST['search']; $match = FALSE; while ($details = fgetcsv($fp, 1000, "\t")) { if ($details[0] == $search){ $match = TRUE; break; } } fclose($fp); $code = $details[0]; $hotel = $details[1]; $tour = $details[2]; $day = $details[3]; $month = $details[4]; $year = $details[5]; $persons = $details[6]; $lunch = $details[7]; if ($match) { print "<p>Booking Code: $code</p>"; print "<p>Hotel Pick Up: $hotel</p>"; print "<p>Tour: $tour</p>"; print "<p>Tour Date: $day/$month/$year</p>"; print "<p>Number of Persons: $persons</p>"; print "<p>With Lunch: $lunch</p>"; } else { print '<p class="error">Booking code not found!</p>'; } Works a treat!
  2. Hi, Firstly, I just got the book, was having some troubles in a class I'm taking at uni and this has helped me heaps so far. Thankyou! So what I am trying to acheive, is to be able to read from a .txt file and print info from one line if what was put in the text input form is in that line, if not print an error. So I already have a page that is a form that writes data to a .txt file. It puts each input from the form on the same line, spaced by a tab and then a new form completion will be the same but on a new line. ie. B0001 Medina Great Ocean Road 01 01 2011 2 Yes B0002 Stamford Penguin Parade 01 01 2011 3 No So I want to be able to have another page with a text input box where i can search for "B0001" and then it will print the results like so: Booking Code: B0001 Hotel Pick Up: Medina Tour: Great Ocean Road Tour Date: 01/01/2011 Number of Persons: 2 With Lunch: Yes But if I where to input say "B1" into the text input it would give an error message. I can do all of the above fine at the moment. But I can't get it to search past the first line of the .txt file. This is the code I have at the moment. $fp = fopen("../data/bookings.txt", "r"); $details = fgetcsv($fp, 1000, "\t"); if (($details [0]) == $_POST['search']){ print "<p>Booking Code: {$details [0]}</p>"; print "<p>Hotel Pick Up: {$details [1]}</p>"; print "<p>Tour: {$details [2]}</p>"; print "<p>Tour Date: {$details [3]}/{$details [4]}/{$details [5]}</p>"; print "<p>Number of Persons: {$details [6]}</p>"; print "<p>With Lunch: {$details [7]}</p>"; } else { print '<p class="error">Booking code not found!</p>'; } I'm not sure how to approach the next step to get what I want. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
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