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ianhg last won the day on January 30 2013

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  1. Thanks for your reply. I see what you mean about being too restrictive as an example the UK use post code letters and numbers while Zip Codes in the States are intergers. Currently using javascript to validate but of course does not work if browser has turned off javascript. Just hate stupid emails from web forms selling SEO or trying to link to a domain to sell you some rubbish. Thanks again.
  2. Hi back again Folks, The script works well but I am getting some web forms like below: My question is how do I write some php to stop input being entered the same and posible reject the form? 'removed domain' is the regex working :-) Name: canada goose outlet Company:parksaleonline@126.com Address: removed domain Address: canada goose outlet City/Town:canada goose outlet County: canada goose outlet Post Code: canadagoos email: canada goose outlet Repeat email:canada goose outlet Comments: Business Lying About Lake O to Win Hearts and Minds: The Eric Draper Story canada goose outlet removed domain
  3. Just thought I would share this, I struggled to get this working but have now succeeded. <?php // Settings @ini_set('max_execution_time', "30"); // 30 seconds // print ini_get('max_execution_time'); @ini_set('memory_limit', "64M"); // 8MB - Set any from 8M, 16M, 24M, 32M, 40M, 48M, 56M, 64M, 128M // print ini_get('memory_limit'); // these two below are best to adjust via .htaccess - see documentation @ini_set('post_max_size', "2M"); // 10MB @ini_set('upload_max_filesize', "2M"); // 10MB // Max File Size Allowed - Soft Restriction - Not always fool proof but its better to use $Max_File_Size="1048576"; // In bytes - 10485760=10MB, 4194304=4MB, 2097152=2MB, 1048576=1MB // print ini_get('post_max_size'); // allow multiple upload or single upload // set this no to allow single upload - use lowercase // $multipleUpload="no"; $multipleUpload="yes"; ?><?php include('includes/config3.php'); // Check if the form has been submitted: if (isset($_POST['submitted'])); { function spam_scrubber($value) { //list of bad values $very_bad = array('cc:','bcc:','content-type:','mime-version:','multipart-mixed:','content-transfer-encoding:'); //if any of the bad strings are in submitted value return an empty string foreach ($very_bad as $v) { if (stripos($value, $v) !== false) return''; } //replace any newline chara with spaces $value = str_replace(array("\r","\n","%0a","%0d"), ' ',$value); return trim($value); } } //end of spam scrubber function // get all post data $ssAct=$_POST["ssAct"]; $ssSumMath=$_POST["ssSumMath"]; $ssMathTest=$_POST["ssMathTest"]; $ssName=$_POST["ssName"]; $ssEmail=$_POST["ssEmail"]; $ssPhone=$_POST["ssPhone"]; $ssMobile=$_POST["ssMobile"]; $ssHouse=$_POST["ssHouse"]; $ssZip=$_POST["ssZip"]; $ssReg=$_POST["ssReg"]; $ssMake=$_POST["ssMake"]; $ssModel=$_POST["ssModel"]; $ssMessage=$_POST["ssMessage"]; $ssFile=$_POST["ssFile"]; ?> <?php // file type check - allowed png, gif, jpeg, jpg, rar, zip, pdf if($ssAct!='') { // view array - for testinf // print_r( $_FILES ); // add this one line below if rar is not being accepted in system // || strstr($_FILES['ssFile']['type'][$i], 'application/rar')!==false // allow psd - add below if you want to allow psd files // || strstr($_FILES['ssFile']['type'][$i], 'application/photoshop')!==false for($i=0;$i<count($_FILES['ssFile']['size']);$i++) { if(strstr($_FILES['ssFile']['type'][$i], 'image/png')!==false || strstr($_FILES['ssFile']['type'][$i], 'image/jpg')!==false || strstr($_FILES['ssFile']['type'][$i], 'image/jpeg')!==false || strstr($_FILES['ssFile']['type'][$i], 'image/pjpeg')!==false //|| strstr($_FILES['ssFile']['type'][$i], 'application/x-rar-compressed')!==false //|| strstr($_FILES['ssFile']['type'][$i], 'application/zip')!==false //|| strstr($_FILES['ssFile']['type'][$i], 'application/pdf')!==false ) { $fileAllow="true"; $whichFile="all"; } else { $whichFile=$_FILES['ssFile']['type'][$i]; $fileAllow="false"; // if any disallowed file is trapped - block attachment and sending email - and show alert break; } } } ?> <?php if($ssSumMath!=$ssMathTest && $ssAct=='send') { // Math test code wrong $testSeries1="false"; } ////////////////////// if($testSeries1=='false') { echo "<div class='alert alert-error'><p><strong>Simple math test verification failed</strong>! Please try again! Please click your back button in your browser.</p></div>"; } ////////////////////// if($fileAllow=='false' && $whichFile!='') { echo "<div class='alert alert-error'><p><strong>File Type</strong> [<strong> $whichFile </strong>] is not allowed! Only JPG, JPEG, PNG, are allowed. Please try again! Please click your back button in your browser.</p></div>"; } ////////////////////// /* if($whichFile=='' && $ssAct=='send') { echo "<div class='alert alert-info'>This is just an info! You did not attach any file!</div>"; } */ ?> <?php // send email if($ssAct!='' && $ssAct=='send' && $testSeries1!='false' && $fileAllow!='false' || $ssAct!='' && $ssAct=='send' && $testSeries1!='false' && $fileAllow=='false' && $whichFile=='') { // attach files and send html email //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // where email should go $to= $mailuser; // email subject $subject="Small Damage Quote Required Email from website " .$mailuser; // sender email $from = $mailuser; $body = "<div style='background-color:#F4F4F4;padding:10px 0;font-family:Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;' align='center'> <div style='width:600px;border:1px solid #DBDBDB;border-radius:6px;background-color:#fff;'> <div style='background-color:#2664B1;height:100px;border-radius:6px 6px 0 0;box-shadow:0px 0px 10px 0px #ccc;border-bottom:1px solid #1067A0;'> <div style='float:left;' align='left'> <div style='color:#fff;font-size:25px;font-weight:bold;padding:24px 0 0 20px;text-shadow:2px 1px 1px #0B456C;'>Damage Quote Required enquiry from website.</div> <div style='color:#D7ECFB;padding:0 0 0 20px; font-size:14px;text-shadow:1px 1px 1px #0B456C;'>Request for quote</div> <div style='clear:both;'></div> </div> <div style='clear:both;'></div> </div> <div align='left' style='padding:10px 30px; text-align:justify; color:#666; font-size:13px;line-height:22px;'> <div style='border-bottom:1px solid #eee;margin:10px 0;'> <p>You have received a message from <br /><strong>$ssName [ $ssEmail ]</strong></p> </div> <p><strong>Message Details:</strong></p> <p> <em>Name:</em>$ssName<br /> <em>email address:</em>$ssEmail<br /> <em>Phone No:</em> $ssPhone<br /> <em>Mobile No:</em> $ssMobile<br /> <em>House Name or Number:</em> $ssHouse<br /> <em>Post Code:</em> $ssZip<br /> <em>Car Registration:</em> $ssReg <br/> <em>Car Model:</em>$ssModel<br/> </p> <p><em>Damage to vehicle:</em>$ssMessage</p> </div> </div>"; // generate a random string to use as boundary marker $mime_boundary="==Multipart_Boundary_x".md5(mt_rand())."x"; // email headers $headers = "From: $mailuser\r\n" . "Reply-To: $mailuser\r\n" . "Return-Path: $mailuser\r\n" . "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n" . "Content-Type: multipart/mixed;\r\n" . " boundary=\"{$mime_boundary}\""; // text message to display in email $message=$body; // MIME boundary for email message $message = "This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\n\n" . "--{$mime_boundary}\n" . "Content-Type: text/html; charset=\"iso-8859-1\"\n" . "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n\n" . $message . "\n\n"; // get uploaded files from form in loop function reArrayFiles($ssFile) { $file_ary = array(); $file_count = count($ssFile['name']); $file_keys = array_keys($ssFile); for ($i=0; $i<$file_count; $i++) { foreach ($file_keys as $key) { $file_ary[$i][$key] = $ssFile[$key][$i]; } } return $file_ary; } $file_ary = reArrayFiles($_FILES['ssFile']); // process files foreach($file_ary as $file) { // store file information in variables $tmp_name = $file['tmp_name']; $type = $file['type']; $name = $file['name']; $size = $file['size']; // echo $tmp_name."\n\n"; // if file exists if (file_exists($tmp_name)) { // check to make sure it is uploaded file - not a system file if(is_uploaded_file($tmp_name)) { // open file for a binary read $file = fopen($tmp_name,'rb'); // read file content into a variable $data = fread($file,filesize($tmp_name)); // close file fclose($file); // encode it and split it into acceptable length lines $data = chunk_split(base64_encode($data)); } // insert a boundary to start the attachment // specify the content type, file name, and disposition // boundary between each file $message .= "--{$mime_boundary}\n" . "Content-Type: {$type};\n" . " name=\"{$name}\"\n" . "Content-Disposition: attachment;\n" . " filename=\"{$name}\"\n" . "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n\n" . $data . "\n\n"; } } // closing mime boundary - end of message $message.="--{$mime_boundary}--\n"; // send email if (@mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers)) { if($ssCopyEmail=='No') { @mail($ssEmail, $subject, $message, $headers); } $sentMessage="<p>Email sent. Thank you. We will contact you within 48 hours.</p>"; } else { $sentError="<p>Sorry the Email was not sent due to some error</p>"; } } ?> <?php if($sentMessage!='') { ?> <div class="alert alert-success"><?php echo "$sentMessage"; ?></div> <?php } ?> <?php if($sentError!='') { ?> <div class="alert alert-error"><?php echo "$sentError"; ?></div> <?php } ?><br> <p> <?php echo "Your information input has been sent <br><br>"; echo "This is what you sent <br>"; echo "Your Details:<br><br>"; echo "Your Name:\"".$_POST["ssName"]."\"<br>"; echo "Your email:\"".$_POST["ssEmail"]."\"<br>"; echo "Home Tel No:\"".$_POST["ssPhone"]."\"<br>"; echo "Mobile Tel No:\"".$_POST["ssMobile"]."\"<br>"; echo "Your House Name or Number:\"">$_POST["ssHouse"]."\"<br>"; echo "Post Code:\"" .$_POST["ssZip"] . "\"<br>"; echo "Your Vehicle Details<br><br>"; echo "Vehicle Registration No: \"" .$_POST["ssReg"] . "\" <br>"; echo "Vehicle Make:\"".$_POST["ssMake"]. "\" <br>"; echo "Vehicle Model:\"".$_POST["ssModel"]."\"<br>"; echo "Brief Details of Damage:\"".$_POST["ssMessage"]."\"<br>"; ?></p> Hope this might help someone else.
  4. Thanks for the link HartleySan. I am saving the images to the server but would like the image to be sent as an attachment with email using hopefully the above code. But concerned about the link as I thought that headers were a risky for header injection and automated submission? Thanks
  5. Hi Thanks for the speedy reply margaux and the link, but I was hoping to find a way of adding to the existing script rather than start afresh. But then again maybe I need to, thanks.
  6. Hi Guys I have a contact form with the ability to upload an image and all is working ok. The contact form sends an email and currently uploads the image to the server. What I want to do is attach the image to the email as well. Code below any guidance would be appreciated, thanks <?php include('includes/config3.php'); // Check if the form has been submitted: if (isset($_POST['submitted'])) { // Check for an uploaded file: if (isset($_FILES['photoTemp'])) { // Validate the type. Should be JPEG or PNG. $allowed = array ('image/pjpeg', 'image/jpeg', 'image/JPG', 'image/X-PNG', 'image/PNG', 'image/png', 'image/x-png'); if (in_array($_FILES['photoTemp']['type'], $allowed)) { // Move the file over. if (move_uploaded_file ($_FILES['photoTemp']['tmp_name'], "/var/www/vhosts/xxxxx/httpdocs/photoTemp/{$_FILES['photoTemp']['name']}")) { echo '<p><em>The file has been uploaded!</em></p>'; } // End of move... IF. } else { // Invalid type. echo '<p class="error">Please upload a JPEG or PNG image.</p>'; } } // End of isset($_FILES['upload']) IF. // Check for an error: if ($_FILES['photoTemp']['error'] > 0) { echo '<p class="error">The file could not be uploaded because: <strong>'; // Print a message based upon the error. switch ($_FILES['photoTemp']['error']) { case 1: print 'The file exceeds the upload_max_filesize setting in php.ini.'; break; case 2: print 'The file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE setting in the HTML form.'; break; case 3: print 'The file was only partially uploaded.'; break; case 4: print 'No file was uploaded.'; break; case 6: print 'No temporary folder was available.'; break; case 7: print 'Unable to write to the disk.'; break; case 8: print 'File upload stopped.'; break; default: print 'A system error occurred.'; break; } // End of switch. print '</strong></p>'; } // End of error IF. // Delete the file if it still exists: if (file_exists ($_FILES['photoTemp']['tmp_name']) && is_file($_FILES['photoTemp']['tmp_name']) ) { unlink ($_FILES['photoTemp']['tmp_name']); } } // End of the submitted conditional. { function spam_scrubber($value) { //list of bad values $very_bad = array('to:','cc:','bcc:','content-type:','mime-version:','multipart-mixed:','content-transfer-encoding:'); //if any of the bad strings are in submitted value return an empty string foreach ($very_bad as $v) { if (stripos($value, $v) !== false) return''; } //replace any newline chara with spaces $value = str_replace(array("\r","\n","%0a","%0d"), ' ',$value); return trim($value); } //end of spam scrubber function //clean form data $scrubbed = array_map('spam_scrubber',$_POST); // form validation if (!empty($scrubbed['name'])&&!empty($scrubbed['email'])&&!empty($scrubbed['telephone'])&&!empty($scrubbed['post_code'])&&!empty($scrubbed['car_reg']) ) { }else{ echo "<h3>Sorry. You did not properly fill out the form. Please try again./</h3>"; } } //create body $body = "Quote for damage required\nCustomer Vehicle Details\n \nCustomers Name: {$scrubbed['name']} \ne-mail address:{$scrubbed['email']} \nConfirmed email:{$scrubbed['confirm_email']} \nTelephone:{$scrubbed['telephone']} \nMobile:{$scrubbed['mobile']} \nCustomers Address:{$scrubbed['adress']} \nPost Code:{$scrubbed['post_code']} \nCar Registration:{$scrubbed['car_reg'] } \nCar Make: {$scrubbed['car_make' ] } \nCar Model: {$scrubbed['car_model']} \nDetails of Damage:{$scrubbed['damage']} \nPhoto of Damage:{$scrubbed['photoTemp']}"; // $photoTemp->addAttachment($path_of_uploaded_file); $body = wordwrap($body, 180); // $mail_body = ' mail($mailuser,'Quote for damage repair from website',$body, "From:<".$mailuser.">"); // *** This is where you would post a comment to inform visitor of the data sent, etc *** echo "<p>You information input has been sent <br><br>"; echo "This is what you sent <br><br>"; echo "Your Name:\"" .$scrubbed["name"] ."\" <br>"; echo "Your email:\"" .$scrubbed["email"] ."\" <br>"; echo "Confirmed email:\"" .$scrubbed["confirm_email"] ."\" <br>"; echo "Your Telephone number:\"".$scrubbed["telephone"]."\"<br>"; echo "Your Mobile number:\"".$scrubbed["mobile"]."\"<br>"; echo"Your House name or Number:\"".$scrubbed["address"]."\"<br>"; echo "Your Postal Code:\"".$scrubbed["post_code"]."\"<br>"; echo "Your Vehicle Reg:\"" .$scrubbed["car_reg"] ."\" <br>"; echo "Your Vehicle Make: \"" . $scrubbed["car_make"] . "\" <br>"; echo "Your Vehicle Model: \"" . $scrubbed["car_model"] . "\" <br>"; echo "The damage to vehicle: \"" .$scrubbed["damage"] . "\" <br></p>"; ?>
  7. Thanks HartleySan 'use the preg_replace function once' helped me. For what itis worth this the code, I know it's not perfect but it appears to working. //url removal $pattern ='/\b(https?|ftp|file):\/\/[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%?=~_|$!:,.;]*[A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|$]/i'; $replacement = 'removed url' ; foreach ($_POST as $key => $value){ $_POST[$key] = is_array($key) ? $_POST[$key]: preg_replace($pattern,$replacement,$_POST[$key] ); } Appreciate the guidance from both Larry and yourself
  8. Thanks sorry for rambling. Trying to teach myself slow progress at 65 but will take the advice and appreciate yours and Larry's guidance. Found his books very helpful.
  9. Outside... spam_scrubber working fine don't want to cock it up :-) The idea being it would remove anything before spam_scrubber
  10. Larry , thanks so appreciate the advice. I am trying the regular expression using preg_match which is returning either 0 or 1 This is what I have now clearly it not working properly. foreach ($_POST as $key => $value){ $_POST[$key] = is_array($key) ? $_POST[$key]: (preg_match_all('/\b(https?|ftp|file):\/\/[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%?=~_|$!:,.;]*[A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|$]/i', $_POST[$key], $matches)); return (isset($matches[1])) ? str_replace($matches[1], "", $key) : $key; }
  11. Hi, I have added this code //strip_tags foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { $_POST[$key] = is_array($key) ? $_POST[$key]: strip_tags($_POST[$key]); } //htmlentities foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { $_POST[$key] = is_array($key) ? $_POST[$key]: htmlentities($_POST[$key]); } which appears to be working fine. Can i use something similar to check if any url's have been entered into text fields. So it would check $_POST and remove any url's posted before being passed onto spam_scrubber? Sorry if the terminology is not correct. Thanks for the replies so far.
  12. Hi Larry Sorry but I don't think I explained myself very well. The code above does not attempt to remove URL I am still working on that aspect. I posted the code because I noticed that spam_scrubber was removing bad stuff when I used echo but it's not removing bad stuff from emals sent. I was wondering if I have something in the wrong place. Sorry to be a pain. Thanks for the replies.
  13. Ah maybe this is in the wrong place // Clear $_POST (so that the form's not sticky): $_POST = array();
  14. Thanks Larry.Basically I have been trying to stop spammers entering Url's into the input fields on a web form. Which is still on going at the moment (so any pointers would be appreciated) but while looking into this I found that the contact form although removes some bad stuff when I use echo results to a thank you page the email body contains html tags that had been removed. So I must be missing something. I am using HTML5 on the site. This is the full php code //check for form submission check if (isset($_POST['submitted'])) { function spam_scrubber($value) { //list of bad values $very_bad = array('to:','cc:','bcc:','content-type:','mime-version:','multipart-mixed:','content-transfer-encoding:'); //if any of the bad strings are in submitted value return an empty string foreach ($very_bad as $v) { if (stripos($value, $v) !== false) return''; } //replace any newline chara with spaces $value = str_replace(array("\r","\n","%0a","%0d"), ' ',$value); return trim($value); } //end of spam scrubber function //clean form data $scrubbed = array_map('spam_scrubber',$_POST); // form validation if (!empty($scrubbed['RadioGroup1'])&&!empty($scrubbed['contact_name'])&&!empty($scrubbed['company_name'])&&!empty($scrubbed['address1'])&&!empty($scrubbed['town_city'])&&!empty($scrubbed['county'])&&!empty($scrubbed['post_code'])&&!empty($scrubbed['email_address'])&&!empty($scrubbed['repeat_email'])&&!empty($scrubbed['telephone_no']) ) { //create body $body = "Market Sector:{$scrubbed['RadioGroup1']} \nName: {$scrubbed['contact_name']} \nCompany:{$scrubbed['company_name'] } \nAddress: {$scrubbed['address1'] } \nAddress: {$scrubbed['address2'] } \nCity/Town:{$scrubbed['town_city'] } \nCounty: {$scrubbed['county'] } \nPost Code: {$scrubbed['post_code'] } \nemail: {$scrubbed['email_address'] } \nRepeat email:{$scrubbed['repeat_email'] } \nTelephone: {$scrubbed['telephone_no' ] } \nComments: {$scrubbed['additional_information']}"; $body = wordwrap($body, 200); mail($mailuser,'Contact Form from Aerospace UK',$body, "From:{$scrubbed['email_address']}"); // Clear $_POST (so that the form's not sticky): $_POST = array(); }else{ echo "<h3>Sorry. You did not properly fill out the form. Please try again.</h3>"; } } // *** This is where you would post a comment to inform visitor of the data sent, etc *** echo "You information input has been sent <br><br>"; echo "This is what you sent <br><br>"; echo "Market Sector:\"" .$scrubbed["RadioGroup1"] ."\" <br>"; echo "Your Name: \"" . $scrubbed["contact_name"] . "\" <br>"; echo "Your Company: \"" . $scrubbed["company_name"] . "\" <br>"; echo "Your Address: \"" . $scrubbed["address1"] . "\" <br>"; echo "Your Address: \"" . $scrubbed["address2"] . "\" <br>"; echo "Your Town/City: \"" . $scrubbed["town_city"] . "\" <br>"; echo "Your County: \"" . $scrubbed["county"] . "\" <br>"; echo "Your Post Code: \"" . $scrubbed["post_code"] . "\" <br>"; echo "Your email: \"" . $scrubbed["email_address"] . "\" <br>"; echo "Repeat email: \"" . $scrubbed["repeat_email"] . "\" <br>"; echo "Your Telephone: \"" . $scrubbed["telephone_no"] . "\" <br>"; echo "Additional Information Requested: \"" .$scrubbed["additional_information"] . "\" <br>";
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