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Everything posted by ronallensmith

  1. SOLVED: The following was added to myModel.php // added to insert endTime upon record INSERT public function behaviors() { return array( 'CTimestampBehavior' => array( 'class' => 'zii.behaviors.CTimestampBehavior', 'createAttribute' => 'endTime', 'updateAttribute' => NULL, ) ); }
  2. SOLVED: The following was added to myModelController.php public function actionCreate() { $model=new TblContacts; // default code // added to insert startTime into _form $model->startTime=date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('-7 Hours')); // default code following }
  3. Hi, I'm new to Yii and did Larry's series "Learning the Yii Framework" and I'm having an issue with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP and probably DATETIME not displaying in the 'protected.../...employee/create' view "_form.php" when doing the INSERTs. If I do the INSERTs to the "employee" table using phpMyAdmin, the CURRENT_TIMESTAMP variable displays, and MySQL works from the console: mysql> select current_timestamp(); +---------------------+ | current_timestamp() | +---------------------+ | 2013-07-30 23:46:30 | +---------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Is this a "Windows" thing? Windows XP Apache 2.4.4 MySQL 5.6.12 PHP 5.4.16 WampServer 2.4
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