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phpsharma last won the day on November 19 2013

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  1. Hi , I made Tonic Rest application working using RedBean ORM wrapper without class dependency "Pimple". The real credit goes to "Slim" Rest Framework. Now I am able to work with both REST API's. Mean time I encountered with the concept/hands on CURL, JSON to really work with Total REST Cycle. I am happy to help anyone on this. REST Cycle. Its all started with this article.. http://www.huntlycameron.co.uk/2012/05/project-creating-a-restful-php-web-service-with-tonic/ Next to Slim.. http://www.sitepoint.com/writing-a-restful-web-service-with-slim/ http://www.slimframework.com Next to .. http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/opensource/library/x-slim-rest/index.html in the middle I got to know about..Pimple.. http://www.sitepoint.com/dependency-injection-with-pimple/ http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/php/dependency-injection-huh/ Finally End up Redbean ORM, CURL, http://www.lornajane.net/posts/2011/posting-json-data-with-php-curl The Book for PHP REST.. PHP Web Services on OReilly.com(Just 124 pages..) Thanks for your support.. sharma chelluri
  2. Thanks for your prompt response. I am not getting errors. I am suspicious about there is no db connections from API? https://github.com/peej/tonic I checked the issues and the author is saying we need to write our own db wrapper. How do I do that? https://github.com/peej/tonic/issues/1#issuecomment-457804 it seems I need to have more oop. Please show me some light. Bit scared of namespaces, adapters etc ..nail biting Thanks, sharma
  3. Hi Antonio, I am working on REst API called tonic using mongoDB.. I am able to connect to db outside the class.. $con = new MongoClient(); $db = $con->codesnippets; $collection = $db->snippets; //fetch a record $snippet = $collection->findOne(array("id" => 1)); print_r($snippet); When I put this in Rest API method its not working..and error is ....nothing <?php namespace Tyrell; use Tonic\Resource, Tonic\Response, Tonic\ConditionException; /** * This is a * * The @uri annotation routes requests that match that URL to this resource. Multiple * annotations allow this resource to match multiple URLs. * * @uri /snippets/:idhash */ class Snippet extends Resource { /** * @method GET * @provides application/json */ function display() { // Connect to mongodb $con = new \MongoClient(); $db = $con->codesnippets; $collection = $db->snippets; //print $this->idhash; //fetch record based on id $snippet = $collection->findOne(array("id" => $this->idhash)); print_r($snippet); exit; /*if(!is_null($snippet)){ $snippetArray = array('id' => $snippet["id"], 'title' => $snippet["title"], 'description' => $snippet["description"], 'links' => $snippet['links'], 'files' => $snippet['files'], 'dateCreated' => $snippet["date_created"], 'lastModified' => $snippet["last_modified"], 'views' => $snippet["views"]); } */ return json_encode($snippetArray); //$ds = $this->container['dataStore']; //return json_encode($ds->fetch($this->id)); } } Is it conflicting with name space ? can you please help me?.. I don't have much namespace knowledge. Thanks in advance, sharma
  4. Hi Antonio Conte, Thanks for your kind words. I got your invaluable insights on REst. Sure, I will ask, if more questions. -- sharma
  5. public function __construct() { $this->verb = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']; $this->url_elements = explode('/', $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']); $this->parseIncomingParams(); // initialise json as default format $this->format = 'json'; if(isset($this->parameters['format'])) { $this->format = $this->parameters['format']; } return true; } Hi , I remember that ___construct() didn't return any values.. On one of the tutorials on REst I have seen the code for creating a REst Server.. Can anyone please explain this?. How can they used it and any side effects? Source of the code: http://www.lornajane.net/posts/2012/building-a-restful-php-server-understanding-the-request Thanks in advance. sharma
  6. Finally I catch the error with ifmodule.. http://www.askapache.com/htaccess/htaccess-for-webmasters.html <IfModule> should be<ifModule> if should be in small letters #<IfModule mod_rewrite.so> <ifModule mod_rewrite.c> # Turn on the engine: RewriteEngine on # Set the base to this directory: RewriteBase /php-oops/chp02/ # Redirect certain paths to index.php: RewriteRule ^(about|contact|this|that|search)/?$ index.php?p=$1 </ifModule> #</IfModule> Thanks Larry.. I love all your great work and way of writing/teaching. Your books made me proud after 10years of software developement. Now I am enjoying Programming more than before.. sharma
  7. Hi Larry & other helpful members. I sorted this problem. By removing #<IfModule mod_rewrite.so> and <Ifmodule> these lines in .htaccess. I am checking why the <ifmodule> condition is not working in .htaccess.. if you have a handy answer/point please let me know. Thanks, sharma
  8. Hi, I added the below code in httpd.conf ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ <Directory "C:/xampp/htdocs/php-oops/chp02"> AllowOverride All Require all granted </Directory> my htaccess file is like this ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # Script 2.7 - .htaccess <IfModule mod_rewrite.so> # Turn on the engine: RewriteEngine on # Set the base to this directory: RewriteBase /php-oops/chp02/ # Redirect certain paths to index.php: RewriteRule ^(about|contact|this|that|search)/?$ index.php?p=$1 </IfModule> Still not able to get the url rewrite working? xampp-httpd.conf? Thanks in advance sharma
  9. Thank you..Great answer..and I like the page reference. Keep up the good work.. Thanks, sharma
  10. Hi Great day, can anyone explain me this line of code ... "INDEX login(username, pass)" in the below query ************************************************************************* CREATE TABLE users ( user_id MEDIUMINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, lang_id TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, time_zone VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, username VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, pass CHAR(40) NOT NULL, email VARCHAR(60) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(user_id), UNIQUE (username), UNIQUE (email), INDEX login(username, pass) ); ********************************************************** Thanks in advance, sharma
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