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Posts posted by giles

  1. Hi,


    I'm working through chapter 13, adding yii-booster nav bar to my Yii development. I hope its appropriate to ask this question here (apologies in advance if it is not). I have a simplified version below. I basically want to add a visibility argument to the search form. It's wrong, but i've included it to try illustrate what I'm after. Am I unable to add and if inside and array?

        // L/H menu
                // GUESTS
                array('label'=>'Log In', 'url'=>array('/site/login'), 'visible'=>Yii::app()->user->isGuest),
                // USERS
                array('label'=>'Subject', 'url'=>'#', 'visible'=>!Yii::app()->user->isGuest, 'items'=>array(
                    array('label'=>'YOUR BROWSING TODAY'),
                    array('label'=>'My Body - Fitness - Programs', 'url'=>'#'),
                    array('label'=>'My Body - Fitness - Motivation', 'url'=>'#'),
                // end (always visible)
                array('label'=>'Contact', 'url'=>array('/site/contact')),
        // search field
        if(!Yii::app()->user->isGuest) echo ''<form class="navbar-search pull-left" action=""><input type="text" class="search-query span2" placeholder="Search" ></form>''; ,
  2. Hi all.


    So I'm a Yii learner. Just completed YiiBook which I really enjoyed. I'm now trying to put its principles into practise, however i'm still not fully getting the  "mindset" so I need to turn to the experts for help. Goes like this


    // assign

    // get topic
    $topic = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()
    ->select('id, parent_id, name, description, url')
    ->where('silo.id = '.$id.'')

    <img class="title" src="<?php echo $topic[0]['url']; ?>" width="300" height="200" />
    <div id="headline"><strong><?php echo $topic[0]['name']?></strong><em> Magazine</em></div>

    $subtopics = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()
    ->select('id, parent_id, name, description')
    ->where('silo.parent_id = '.$id.'')

    // read out
    for ($x = 0 ; $x < count($subtopics) ; $x++)
    // query
    $entries = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()
    ->Join('entry', 'entrysilo.entry_id = entry.id')
    ->where('entrysilo.silo_id = '.$subtopics[$x]['id'].'')

    // title
    print "<fieldset>";
    print "<h3>" . $subtopics[$x]['name'] . "</h3>";
    print '<div id="h3description">' . $subtopics[$x]['description'] . '</div>';

    // read entries out
    for ($y = 0 ; $y < count($entries) ; $y++)
    print '<a href="http://domain/index.php?r=entry/view&id='.$entries[$y]['id'].'">' . $entries[$y]['title'] . '</a>';
    print '<br/>';
    print '<div id="description">' . $entries[$y]['entry_description'] . '</div>';
    print "</fieldset>";


    I have a report that runs a number of individual and nested MySQL queries before producing a newspaper type report. In my ignorance I first built this into a view utilising Query Builder. This works OK, but as Larry points out on page 20, this should really go into the model. trouble is that I can't find any examples of how I should go about building a nested query in the model, then reading it out to a layout.


    I'd really appreciate your advise

    thanks in advance

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