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Everything posted by rolandgilmer

  1. Thanks, HartleySan . I will definitely report back regularly as I work on that project. This in addition to my regular participation.
  2. Everyone, This is a practicum for me. I can use all the concepts (and much of the code) in this book. It will generally make me a better programmer; and I'll end up with a template I can actually use for myself and clients. This thing is neither "aggressive" or overly ambitious because I'm staying focused on what I'm doing and why I'm doing it. I have to stay curious, disciplined, and reasonable. Antonio, Yours is sage advice. Your contribution was meaningful and I appreciate it. It's easy to get so caught up in the "subjective" that we miss the "objective". I agree that the sober approach would be to make a solid, working blog and add the other features little-by-little. Again, I'm in no hurry. Thank you, Antonio. Hartley San, I appreciate your having confirmed Antonio's advice. Regarding the search feature? That is on my list. Regarding the text editor interface? Yeah, I will program that, too. It is, again, a practicum for me. Thank you, Hartley San. Abigail, One of my several problems with WordPress is that it can be a bit cumbersome. Also, too, I sometimes feel (or know) that I'm "cutting corners" when I use it; and, no, it doesn't make one a better programmer. I would argue that (with a few notable exceptions), the only people who are better programmers for using WordPress are the people who created it and daily maintain its core. To wit, the WordPress forums (and others) are rife and replete with people who "hack its core" without understanding a blessed THING about what they are doing. Then, there are the people who madly use WP plugins without understanding the far-reaching ramifications/detriments of their use. And, I'm sorry, but in the long run I'd like to be the dude who handles (directly) my own site security; and (as you noted) my own SEO. Then, in general and from past experience, I know how HartleySan is. He/she is just dogged and stubborn about doing things on his/her own, and it has made me feel okay with being the same way. And then, of course, there's Larry; and I needn't say more about that. I took a look at Weebly, too. Nah. It's good to know it's there, though. I just want to write my own code for a while, get some stuff done, and see where it leads me. Thanks again, Abigail. Back to everybody. Life almost took me away from learning PHP (in fact, it almost took me away from breathing). That's why I haven't been around. Anyhow, I did my own research. Here's my little list: User registration Search Archives About page Commenting System Comment SPAM Prevention Editing System/Text Editor Interface RSS Contact Page I think this will do for now. I'd love to hear back from you all (or anyone else for that matter). Thank you. Roland
  3. Hello Everyone, I'm currently using WordPress. Eventually, I want to code my own blog from scratch. I don't need to do this "tomorrow", either. But I do want to get away from WordPress (I have my reasons); and I don't want to use a framework ( I have good reasons for this, too). I plan to have this done by June 2014, and I will begin on February 5. I will also post my progress and questions here. For the next two weeks, I will gather my requirements. What features should I include in my blog? More clearly, what features MUST I have? What features would be NICE to have? I know it's "up to me"; but I'd like to hear great suggestions. Thank you. Roland
  4. Rock/Larry, I'm dealing with something similar. I am sold on Effortless E-Commerce with PHP and MySQL. But, I am developing a WordPress site. I'm considering the following solution: put the WordPress site on the main domain (www.maindomain.com) and use a subdomain or subdirectory for the store (www.store.maindomain.com). Any thoughts? Roland
  5. You're more than welcome, Larry. I think you're a gift to the industry. So, I'm thankful for the gift. But I'm also grateful for the sacrifice. The former sentiment is just etiquette. The latter expression is plain sensibility. I'll be hanging around a lot more.
  6. Hello Everyone, Below is a tutorial on how to enable Configuration Storage in PHPMyAdmin. XAMPP does it by default. But if you install MAMP—or if you install PMA as an individual component—Configuration Storage (and several other advanced features) are NOT enabled. However, I don't know if the same is true with LAMP or WAMP. Anyhow, you can view the tutorial at David Powers' website http://foundationphp.com/tutorials/pma_config.php. Best, Roland
  7. Hi Larry, Thanks for the response. And I apoligize for my own late response. Post holiday has been very hectic for me. Yes, PMA is a convenience. And soon I will be using the command line, only because of the discipline it requires and the granular control it offers. To that end, I am studing UNIX/Linux and their commands so I can use the Mac Terminal more efficiently to communicate with MySQL at the command line. For now, I have to learn PMA just because it's smart to do so. Anyhow, I should have been more clear in my original post. My issue dealt with (generally) enabling advanced features in PMA. And whether we install it as part of an AMP stack, or as an individual component, it does NOT install the phpmyadmin database; ergo, the advanced features don't get installed either. I figured it out on my own a few days ago. But just this morning, David Powers responded to my request via Lynda.com, confirmed my own/same solution, and then posted a solid step-by-step tutorial at his own website here http://foundationphp.com/tutorials/pma_config.php. For the benefit of the PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Websites forum, I will also start another topic correctly entitled "Enabling Advanced Features in PHPMyAdmin" (with appropriate tags), and post Mr. Powers' tutorial there. I appreciate everything you do. Roland
  8. Hello, I am using PMA Version 4.1.3. I created a datbase named "cars". I tried to create a table on that database, but noticed that there were three missing columns/directives. They are the following: MIME Types Browser Transformation Transformation Options Without these, I can only scroll horizontally as far as "A_I Comments". I understand so far that I have to create some additional table (phpmyadmin, maybe?) in order to enable these and other advanced features. But if that's the answer, I don't know how to do that. And the information on the web is rather unclear. I want to use phpmyadmin because of this book, as well as the ubiquitous nature of pma, in general. I bought a book on pma, and am using that, too. But I am taking that thing "page by page" and am not currently using it as a reference. I don't want to start using it to "put out fires" that I don't yet understand. Thank you, in advance, for your help! Roland
  9. Hi All, I updated the PHP installed with Mac OSX Mavericks (10.9). The installed version was some flavor of 5.4, I believe. The updated version is 5.5.6. I wanted to turn off output buffering to instruct myself on what happens when it is off and when it is on. I tried to change output buffering like so (these are the grouped directives as given, with the fifth line as my own addition): ; output_buffering ; Default Value: Off ; Development Value: 4096 ; Production Value: 4096 output_buffering = Off I saved the directive, quit the terminal, and restarted Apache (almost a dozen times). The directive remained the same, but my_phpinfo.php will not change. It still says "output_buffering=4096". The my_phpinfo.php page in this version indicates the following path for the loaded configuration file: /usr/local/php5/lib/php.ini It also indicates the following path to a directory that contains additional .ini files: /usr/local/php5/php.d This directory contains the following .ini files: 10-extension_dir.ini 50-extension-pdo_pgsql.ini 50-extension-apcu.ini 50-extension-pgsql.ini 50-extension-curl.ini 50-extension-readline.ini 50-extension-gmp.ini 50-extension-redis.ini 50-extension-igbinary.ini 50-extension-solr.ini 50-extension-intl.ini 50-extension-ssh2.ini 50-extension-mcrypt.ini 50-extension-twig.ini 50-extension-memcache.ini 50-extension-uploadprogress.ini 50-extension-memcached.ini 50-extension-xdebug.ini 50-extension-mongo.ini 50-extension-xhprof.ini 50-extension-mssql.ini 50-extension-xsl.ini 50-extension-oauth.ini 99-liip-developer.ini 50-extension-pdo_dblib.ini When, for instance, I changed date.timezone in the main .ini file, my_phpinfo.php didn't update. I had to also change it in "99-liip-developer.ini", in order to overwrite "Zurich" with "America/Los_Angeles". Could it be that output_buffering is also a directive in one of the additional .ini files? I'm not being lazy. I don't mind going through those files one-by-one to see if it's in there so I can change it. But if someone knows beforehand that would help. Also, how can I tell if output_buffering is on, despite what may be indicated in my_phpinfo.php? Or is it that whatever is indicated in my_phpinfo.php is "always accurate", thereby precluding the need to test output_buffering? I appreciate your help. Roland
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