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  1. Thanks. No, no errors. I was running in Eclipse, but when I pulled it up in the browser (Firefox), I saw that it actually was calling setHandlers but then form submission still seemed to occur. Here's the current code: // Script 8.8 - events.js // Function called when events occur. // Function reports the event type and target. window.onload = function(){ 'use strict'; // U.$('theForm').onsubmit = setHandlers; U.addEvent(U.$('theForm'), 'submit', setHandlers); // U.addEvent(U.$('theForm'), 'submit', reportEvent); }; function setHandlers(e){ 'use strict'; var events = ['mouseover','mouseout','click','keypress','blur']; for (var i=0, count=events.length; i < count; i++){ var checkbox = U.$(events); if (checkbox.checked){ U.addEvent(document,events,reportEvent); } else { U.removeEvent(document,events,reportEvent); } } if (typeof e == 'undefined') e=window.event; var target = e.target || e.srcElement; if (e.type == 'submit'){ U.$('output').value = "HERE I AM\n"; reportEvent(e); } if (e.preventDefault){ e.preventDefault; } else { e.returnValue = false; } return false; } function reportEvent(e){ 'use strict'; if (typeof e == 'undefined') e = window.event; var target = e.target || e.srcElement; var msg = target.nodeName + ': ' + e.type + '\n'; U.$('output').value += msg; }
  2. In the next to last bullet exercise on Chapter 8's Pursue, I tried substituting U.addEvent(U.$('theForm'), 'submit', setHandlers); // W3C form for U.$('theForm').onsubmit = setHandlers; // traditional form in events.js and it didn't work. Why not? What it seemed to do was the default behavior - reset the form, without calling any handlers. On the other hand, I was able to add a second event listener to the form submission and it worked, i.e., this worked: U.$('theForm').onsubmit = setHandlers; // traditional U.addEvent(U.$('theForm'), 'submit', reportEvent); // W3C but this didn't: U.addEvent(U.$('theForm'), 'submit', setHandlers); // W3C U.addEvent(U.$('theForm'), 'submit', reportEvent); // W3C They would seem to be equivalent, no?
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