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  1. I must be missing something. Everything works as expected but the pdf never show. It just says "loading" on the bottom acrobat style. I even tried adding an extension to the file name as you see bellow. <?php require('includes/config.inc.php'); require(MYSQL); $valid = false; if(isset($_GET['id']) && strlen($_GET['id']) === 63 AND substr($_GET['id'], 0, 1) !== '.') { $file = PDF_DIR . $_GET['id'] . '.pdf'; if(file_exists($file) && is_file($file)) { $query = "SELECT id, title, description, file_name FROM pdfs WHERE tmp_name = '" . escapeData($_GET['id'], $dbc) . "'"; $result = mysqli_query($dbc, $query); if(mysqli_num_rows($result) === 1) { $row = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC); $valid = true; if(isset($_SESSION['user_not_expired'])) { header('Content-type:application/pdf'); header('Content-disposition:inline;filename="' . $row['file_name'] . '.pdf"'); $size = filesize($file); header('Content-length:$size\n'); readfile($file); exit(); } else { $pageTitle = $row['title']; include('includes/header.html'); echo '<h1>' . $pageTitle . '</h1>'; viewingWarning(); echo '<div>' . htmlspecialchars($row['description']) . '</div>'; include('includes/footer.html'); } } } } if(!$valid){ trigger_error('There was an error accessing the page you requested. Please try again later.'); } viewingWarning is just a function i created to display the please sign in to view content or please renew to view content. It works just fine in other pages so I dont think thats the problem. I even tried copying and pasting view_pdf.php straight from the downloaded folder and it does the same thing. Im coding on my personal laptop. Any special settings I need to use to display pdfs?
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