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  1. Thank you ! Fixed bug. But there is no redirect. Now I'm studying the settings of my OpenServer. Maybe the reason is there.
  2. My file .htaccess # Script 2.7 - .htaccess <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> # Turn on the engine: RewriteEngine on # Set the base to this directory: RewriteBase /artsite1/ # Redirect certain paths to index.php: RewriteRule ^(about|contact|this|that|search|error404)/?$ index.php?p=$1 ErrorDocument 404 /artsite1/index.php?p=error404 </IfModule> My URL: http: //artsite1/index.php. And erroneous requests for an existing file, For example http: //artsite1/abrakadabra.html. Yes, redirection proceeds.
  3. Hello Larry, Thank you for attention ! Does not work. What is the reason I will understand. The browser displays a standard error "Object not found!".
  4. Hello! When you invoke an obviously non-existent page with index.php, then the apache produces a standard browser error. From any other page, there is a redirect to index.php.
  5. I am correcting my mistake. Where: gtyugt.html - request for an existing page. artsite1: [21/Mar/2017:13:32:03 +0300] "GET /gtyugt.html HTTP/1.1" 404 1039 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/52.0"
  6. Hello! I apologize for missing so long. artsite1 my site. Error log : [Mon Mar 20 15:49:53.618600 2017] [ssl:warn] [pid 2384:tid 232] AH01909: artsite1:443:0 server certificate does NOT include an ID which matches the server name
  7. Hello Larry, on a local server, I could not get the result, error page-404, and did not know what to do next. Thanks Larry for your book recommendation.
  8. Hello everyone! I try to make a error page based on Larry code. but encountered a problem. There was a Problem with a redirect of this type: $url = BASE_URL . 'index.php?p=error404'; header("Location: $url"); exit; All your options exhausted. Please suggest an algorithm of actions. How can I cope with it. htaccess # Script 2.7 - .htaccess <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> # Turn on the engine: RewriteEngine on # Set the base to this directory: RewriteBase /ch02/ # Redirect certain paths to index.php: RewriteRule ^(about|contact|this|that|search|error404)/?$ index.php?p=$1 </IfModule> index.php <?php # Script 2.4 - index.php /* * This is the main page. * This page includes the configuration file, * the templates, and any content-specific modules. */ // Require the configuration file before any PHP code: require('config.inc.php'); // Validate what page to show: if (isset($_GET['p'])) { $p = $_GET['p']; } elseif (isset($_POST['p'])) { // Forms $p = $_POST['p']; } else { $p = NULL; } // Determine what page to display: switch ($p) { case 'about': $page = 'about.inc.php'; $page_title = 'About This Site'; break; case 'contact': $page = 'contact.inc.php'; $page_title = 'Contact Us'; break; case 'search': $page = 'search.inc.php'; $page_title = 'Search Results'; break; case 'error404': $page = 'error404.inc.php'; $page_title = 'Error!'; break; // Default is to include the main page. default: $page = 'main.inc.php'; $page_title = 'Site Home Page'; break; } // End of main switch. // Make sure the file exists: if (!file_exists('./modules/' . $page)) { $page = 'main.inc.php'; $page_title = 'Site Home Page'; } // Include the header file: include('header.html'); // Include the content-specific module: // $page is determined from the above switch. include('./modules/' . $page); // Include the footer file to complete the template: include('footer.html'); ?>
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