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Found 3 results

  1. I would be grateful if anyone can suggest a useful guide to setting up mail with XAMPP/Mercury or any alternative mail program that I can try. I am running Windows 7 and just want to be able to send emails using PHP. I can get every script in Larry's book to work except for those involving email - 11.1, 13.1 and 18.6. I have downloaded all of the scripts from the website so I know the problem can't be with the scripts. I tried to follow a U tube video on setting up Mercury mail using demo@localhost but that didn't work either. I thought sending email in PHP was supposed to be easy, but it the most frustrating task of all. The scripts appear to work when I run them - I get the message "Thank you for contacting me..." but when I check my own email nothing ever arrives in my Inbox. Any suggestions what I can try next?
  2. Hi. I'm modifying the 'quotes' script in chapter 13 to include a statement before the quotes that indicates a 'new' or 'recent' quote if the quote was entered within the last 30 days. I know I need to use $row[date_entered] (type timestamp in mysql, e.g. 2014-03-09 13:25:11). Is there a function to compare that timestamp with today (in number of days)? Thanks.
  3. I am having trouble understanding how one would go about solving this problem: Does 'configuration file' translate to 'text file', that acts as a sort of configuration file? I do not see what the purpose of this problem is. Why does one want the login credentials defined, a configuration file to hold the credentials, and then the file included in various pages?
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