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Found 7 results

  1. I believe I found an error in the digital online copy. It is in Chapter 2 under "Handling an HTML Form". Paragraph 3 reads: PHP is case-sensitive when it comes to variable names, so $_REQUEST[‘city’] will work, but $_REQUEST[‘city’] and $_REQUEST[‘city’] will have no value. I'm not seeing any difference in the three variable names. I believe this sentence needs to be fixed.
  2. Line 6 of Script 2.4 is missing an end quote: 6 <style type="text/css> should be 6 <style type="text/css">
  3. These are the errors I can point out so far while reading the book. On page 90, the example script on line 14 missing the letter "r" in one of its function. On page 103, the description for image D should be "The HTML source, corresponding to C", not B. On page 128, this might not be an error, but I think I should point it out anyway. The gap between the singe quote used in $var3 is too wide. It can make people think that there's a space between them. empty() function will return true only if there's no space between quotation marks. If it contains a space, then the function will return false. You may want to decrease the gap. On page 135, the operator for assignment, equality, and inequality is wrong. Another things I'd like to recommend: The book is using a lot of functions so far into chapter 6, but the discussion about function itself is on chapter 10. I think it's better to push it to the early chapter. (so does about the array). It's okay to assign predefined variable to a user-defined variable (e.g. $var = $_POST['thing']) to make things easier. I think it's important too, to tell the reader how to use the predefined variable directly without assigning it to a variable first. Note that you might explain this one to the user in later chapter (I haven't finished the book yet). If that's the case, then disregard this point.
  4. Error location: Chapter 7, page 205 Incorrect text: } else { //Development (print the error) Corrected text: } else { //Production (email the error)
  5. Is there, or shouldn't there be, a place to post potential Errata for the Yii2 book? I've stumbled across a few things here and there and don't see them mentioned in the forum. For instance, on page 684 (as of the PDF versioin I have which I just dowloaded) there are references to the "protected/views/site/pages/company" path. But the Yii2 book and the documentation specify that the "protected" folder has been eliminated.This just leads to confusion in what can be an already-confusing quest for a MVC and Yii noobie. Thanks
  6. Hi Larry, I think that there is a little mistake on page 94. According to the db table "page" there are two date fields, "date_published" and "date_updated", but in the book, printing the # protected/models/Page.php::rules(), you wrote "date_entered" and "date_published". One more time I have to say thank you for your hard work! edit: found another little errata on page 95, when you print # protected/models/User.php::rules(), there is the "date_updated" attribute that doesn't exist in the "user" table, let me know if I have an old/wrong version of the db file! edit2: another little thing on page 104, I don't know if I didn't understand well what you meant but you wrote: "BELONGS_TO. This constant represents the "one" side of a one-to-many relationship" but, if I think about a page and a user, I think that "many pages BELONGS TO one user", so BELONGS_TO is related to the "many" side. I hope that my comments will be helpful for your work, otherwise, if I'm wrong please forgive me but I'm a really NOOB developer XD
  7. I think there is a mistake at page 65: When you create page table, the date_entered index should followed by (date_published ASC) instead of (date_entered ASC). If I am wrong, please tell me. Thank you!
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