// JavaScript Document $(document).ready(function(){ //declare variables function calculate(){ var weight, height, bmi; weight= $('#weight').val(); height= $('#height').val(); //calculate total bmi = weight*703/(height*height); bmi = bmi.toFixed(1); $('#bmi').val(bmi); if (bmi < 18.5){ $('#bmi_message').html('Your BMI shows you are under weight.'); } if (bmi >= 18.5 && bmi <= 24.9){ $('#bmi_message').html('Your BMI shows you are a normal weight.'); } if (bmi >= 25 && bmi <= 29.9){ $('#bmi_message').html('Your BMI shows you are over weight.'); } if (bmi > 30){ $('#bmi_message').html('Your BMI show you are obese.'); } return false; }//end of calculate function $('#bmiform').submit(calculate); $('#bmiform').validate({ rules: { }, messages:{ height: "Please enter a valid height between 24 in. and 100 in.", weight: "Please enter a valid weight between 20 lb. and 500 1b." } }); return false; }); I am trying to get this so that it does not calculate unless the form is validated. Not sure what I am doing wrong.