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  1. I have affiliate links that are causing a lot of HTML validation errors. I do not understand Javascript very well. Is there any way I can fix these myself. The company has stopped making updates for me. You will notice that the banners show the links and therefore look terrible. If I change the ShowURL form Y to N then the link does not click through. This is just cosmetic, though. I've setup a test page so you can see the banners/links and you can validate that page to see all the errors. http://adviceofthequeen.com/test.php Here is the first banner on that page: <p class="centered"><abbr title="Manual Do It Yoursef-see home page for details.">MDIY</abbr> free</p> <div class="centered-banner"> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.the-tree-of-life.com/lib/jquery/jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.the-tree-of-life.com/js/core.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ if (typeof(cart_banner) == "undefined") var cart_banner = new Array(); cart_banner[25] = { BoxWidth: '236', BoxHeight: '16', OutlineColor: '#296DC1', TitleTextColor: '#FDFDFD', TextColor: '#333333', TextBackgroundColor: '#F9F9FF', ShowURL: 'Y' /* Y - yes; N - no*/ } //]]> </script> <script id="id_script_banner_25" type="text/javascript" src="http://www.the-tree-of-life.com/index.php?dispatch=aff_banner.view&bid=25&type=js_content&sl=EN&product_ids=&aff_id=55"></script> </div> And this is the second banner: <div class="centered-banner"> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.the-tree-of-life.com/lib/jquery/jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.the-tree-of-life.com/js/core.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ if (typeof(cart_banner) == "undefined") var cart_banner = new Array(); cart_banner[28] = { BoxWidth: '236', BoxHeight: '16', OutlineColor: '#296DC1', TitleTextColor: '#FDFDFD', TextColor: '#333333', TextBackgroundColor: '#F9F9FF', ShowURL: 'Y' /* Y - yes; N - no*/ } //]]> </script> <script id="id_script_banner_28" type="text/javascript" src="http://www.the-tree-of-life.com/index.php?dispatch=aff_banner.view&bid=28&type=js_content&sl=EN&product_ids=&aff_id=55"></script> </div> This is some of the errors which I have edited to reduce length: W3C Markup Validation Service Errors found while checking this document as XHTML 1.0 Transitional! Result: 15 Errors, 25 warning(s) Validation Output: 15 Errors Warning Line 88, Column 129: cannot generate system identifier for general entity "bid" …om/index.php?dispatch=aff_banner.view&bid=25&type=js_content&sl=EN&product_ids… Error Line 88, Column 129: general entity "bid" not defined and no default entity …om/index.php?dispatch=aff_banner.view&bid=25&type=js_content&sl=EN&product_ids… Warning Line 88, Column 132: reference not terminated by REFC delimiter …index.php?dispatch=aff_banner.view&bid=25&type=js_content&sl=EN&product_ids=&a… Warning Line 88, Column 132: reference to external entity in attribute value …index.php?dispatch=aff_banner.view&bid=25&type=js_content&sl=EN&product_ids=&a… Warning Line 88, Column 136: cannot generate system identifier for general entity "type" …x.php?dispatch=aff_banner.view&bid=25&type=js_content&sl=EN&product_ids=&aff_i… Error Line 88, Column 136: general entity "type" not defined and no default entity …x.php?dispatch=aff_banner.view&bid=25&type=js_content&sl=EN&product_ids=&aff_i… Info Line 88, Column 135: entity was defined here …ex.php?dispatch=aff_banner.view&bid=25&type=js_content&sl=EN&product_ids=&aff_…
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