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Found 4 results

  1. For Chapter 9, After lots of searching I found a great tutorial on how to install Pear on WAMP Server, the prerequisite to QuickForms2. It's detailed and step by step with screenshots. http://www.steptoinstall.com/install-pear-wamp-server-windows-7-8.html Once pear is installed with success it was just a matter of using using the cmd line and typing pear install HTML_Quickform2. I changed the set_include_path in login.php to: set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . '/wamp/bin/php/php5.5.12/pear/'); require('HTML/QuickForm2.php'); Works perfectly.
  2. Hi, I'm following the cms example (Chapter 9) in the book. On a pc with xampp with windows 7 operating system and I can't figure out why when I load try to get Quickform2 to load on my login.php page I get this error message: Warning:require(classes/PEAR_Error.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\xampp\htdocs\site1\includes\utilities.php on line 5 Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required 'classes/PEAR_Error.php' *include_path='.;C:\xampp\php\PEAR;/usr/local/pear/share.pear') in C:\xampp\htdocs\site1\includes\utilities.php on line 5 I may be mistaken but I think that the filepath is incorrect for the php.ini set and that when my utilities.php autoload function searches for the pear classes to load it can't find any. Please help. Thanks, je456
  3. Great book. Chapter 9 on QuickForm2 is very interesting, and the examples as far as they go are very informative, but just echo $form or echo default renderer both produce a two column type form, first column for label, second column for input etc. PEAR documentation refers to using the Stub Renderer to manually output complex HTML implying that virtually any layout including complex tables can be achieved. I have tried to use this but failed in my attempts, and I cannot find any examples that explain the use of the Stub Renderer. The example on PEAR just says 'Output goes here', but does not show example output, and if I put a Submit Button there, it does not activate the form. Are there any easy to follow examples of creating a form with a complex layout using QuickForm2, or can someone please explain how this can be achieved, please?
  4. The login.php script and add_page.php script, in Chapter 9, both begin by creating a new instance of quickform2 as $form. Then the script tests for "POST" in order to process the $form data ELSE display a blank $form for user input. How does the login.php script run twice without creating an empty $form object each time it runs? In other words, when a $form "submit" occurs; how does the $form object RETURN to the "if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD] == 'POST" section of the login.php script, thereby, bypassing the beginning of the script. The beginning of the script would use the variable $form to create a new instance of quickform2 which would seem to me to over write the form data being submitted? Thank you, I am excited to learn from your books. Sincerely, Ed
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