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Cloud Hosting & Denial Of Service (Dos) Attack

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I was reading in the "Effortless Eccomerce with PHP and MySQL" page 11.


Cloud Computing


"But there are extra security concerns with cloud computing, and you'd need to be prepared to pay the price. For exampe, if your site gets hit with a Denial of Service (DOS) attack you'll have to foot the bill for the extra cloud computing, but the attack itself will have generated no extra revenue."


Well Larry, i have some good news and a possible update for your next edition. I just spoke with rackspace.com about the Denial of Service (DOS) Attack and they told me you only pay for OUTBOUND Bandwidth. After reading that in your book, you had me worried so it was something i had to ask them.

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Thanks, i got quite a bit through your PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites last week, there were quite a lot of good points that were not in the other book i done last year, so it was worth repeating. I must admit out of all the books ive read your's are by far the easiest to follow.

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