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I have been seeing more and more 'mysqli' stuff around instead of 'mysql' commands. I finally searched it and came up with that it is 'improved'. I did not feel the need to know much more after reading that 'mysql' would be deprecated by the release of PHP 6, so I looked into converting to 'mysqli'.

In a simple search, I found this converter tool on a wiki page by mysql.com: http://forge.mysql.com/wiki/Converting_to_MySQLi.

I backed up one of my directories and tested it locally. I was given this list of results of which files it altered, how many mysql_* functions were found, etc. (what I find ironic is that I put the converter in the directory I converted, and I got only warnings for files in that directory). Anyways, when I went to see how my scripts ran on Firefox, they turned out identical. However, as I check the source, I have yet to find an actual adjustment.

Did this 'converter tool' work? How should I convert to mysqli?

Thank you in advance,


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