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Chapter 5: Pursue - Trim Extra Spaces Off Of Numbers In Random.Js As Suggested

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I am trying to work the random.js script by trimming off the last space, I am not getting the numbers output anymore. I have looked around forums and it looks like javascript doesn't have a trim() function. Also I have not yet reached the part of the book where regular expressions is used yet, this might be another preferred method (using regex)?


Referring back to the example on page 115 of the book I have:


1. used the lastIndexOf() function to find the last space

2. used the slice() function to now slice from index 0 up to the last character before the space.


See my modifications in RED:



function showNumbers() {


'use strict';

var numbers = ' ';


for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) {


numbers += parseInt((Math.random() * 100), 10) + ' ';


} // complete loop


// Find the last index of a space

lastSpace = numbers.lastIndexOf(' ');


// slice from the beginning to the last space.

numbers = numbers.slice(0, lastSpace);


// Reference form element

var output = document.getElementById('output');


if (output.textContent !== undefined) {

output.textContent = numbers;


} else {

output.innerText = numbers;



} // End of showNumbers() function.



window.onload = showNumbers;




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