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Wishlist.php Error?

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so when starting up the wishlist.php using the book scripts of the second site, I'm getting an error that 

An error occurred in script '/var/www/html/ex2/html/wishlist.php' on line 81:

mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given


what does this error and mean. How do I go about fix it? Is it a problem with the data in the database?

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Yeah, that error means your database query broke and didn't return any rows. I would print out the query being run and run it using another interface (like the mysql client) to see what's going on. It's normally an issue with the data or database.

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so i look at the myphpadmin to check that I have the stored procedures from the book  and apparently I do. I'm still getting this error and I don't know why.

An error occurred in script '/var/www/html/ex2/html/wishlist.php' on line 81:
mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given


[0] => Array


[function] => my_error_handler

[args] => Array


[0] => 2

[1] => mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given

[2] => /var/www/html/ex2/html/wishlist.php

[3] => 81

[4] => Array


[_GET] => Array



[_POST] => Array



[_COOKIE] => Array


[SESSION] => a902b14df889f3355f141a5e1355ef2b


[_FILES] => Array



[uid] => a902b14df889f3355f141a5e1355ef2b

[page_title] => Coffee - Your Wish List

[r] =>

[dbc] => mysqli Object


[affected_rows] => -1

[client_info] => mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id: 241ae00989d1995ffcbbf63d579943635faf9972 $

[client_version] => 50012

[connect_errno] => 0

[connect_error] =>

[errno] => 1146

[error] => Table 'ecommerceshop.wish_lists' doesn't exist

[error_list] => Array


[0] => Array


[errno] => 1146

[sqlstate] => 42S02

[error] => Table 'ecommerceshop.wish_lists' doesn't exist



[field_count] => 0

[host_info] => Localhost via UNIX socket

[info] =>

[insert_id] => 0

[server_info] => 5.7.16-0ubuntu0.16.04.1

[server_version] => 50716

[stat] => Uptime: 44779 Threads: 2 Questions: 401 Slow queries: 0 Opens: 224 Flush tables: 1 Open tables: 135 Queries per second avg: 0.008

[sqlstate] => 00000

[protocol_version] => 10

[thread_id] => 41

[warning_count] => 0





[1] => Array


[file] => /var/www/html/ex2/html/wishlist.php

[line] => 81

[function] => mysqli_num_rows

[args] => Array


[0] =>




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  • 9 months later...

I was trying to run my php code on my home computer using Apache as my web server I got Undefined variable error:

Notice: Undefined variable: error in /var/www/html/contact.php on line 209.

However my php code works just fine on my hosting web server. So Im guessing this is some kind of settings but I dont know where. Can someone help me? I did not find any solution online.


Thanks in advance

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