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Authentication Problem


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Hi all!

I started using Yii and I'm trying to authenticate users by db table from login form, but i'm getting in trouble with find() function. This is my UserIdentity's class:


private $_id;
public function authenticate()
 $username = strtolower($this->username);
    else if($record->password!==md5($this->password))
	    $this->setState('title', $record->title);
    return !$this->errorCode;
public function getId()
    return $this->_id;



I'm running the project in xdebug-mode (under Netbeans IDE) and i check $username is correct. ($username contains the same value i insert on the browser)

I go step by step and i see that, immediately after find() line, $record has 'username' and 'password' validated as void string and then that errorCode is equals to 2.

I tried using findByAttributes() function too, but there's the same problem. No exception, just 'Incorrect username or password.' message.


DB Connection works because i created 3 users using webapp. Moreover if there was a db connection error i would assume that there should be an error in logs.


I'm not really understanding: that find() is one of the first operation that i do in a Login Form.


I'm sorry for my english,



PS. i'm using SQL Server 2008

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