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Putting A Null Into A Mysql Table Using A Variable

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Is is possible to Insert a NULL value into a table by assigning it to a variable.


For a low level user I want the activated column to have the following inserted:

  $a = md5( uniqid( rand(), true ) ); // put 32 char code into column "activated" for email verification


But for a higher level user, I don't want them to have to verify their email address. So I thought I could set  $a = "NULL" or $a= NULL


I only end up with the word NULL instead a real null .


I also thought there might be away of setting the column to default to NULL. Then the md5 () would write over it and that would solve the problem. But I couldn't do that either.


Now I just have two separate INSERT queries under a conditional with a "SET activated=NULL" for one of them. It works, but I hate writing the code twice.





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Yeah, this is surprisingly tricky. The heart of this is that a PHP NULL value is not the same as providing a NULL value in MySQL. What I've normally done is create a variable as either 

$var = "'value'";


$var = "NULL";

And then use 

SET activated=$var

 in the query. So the query becomes either

...SET activated=NULL...


...SET activated='value'...
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Thanks, Larry -


I'm glad to hear you say it's tricky. I felt like I was asking another dumb question because it seemed like it should be easy. Too bad I just can't set NULL as a default for the whole column. That would make it easy, then write over it with the  md5() when it should be validated.


Anyway, I'll probably keep the code as 2 queries written under two conditionals. If I've learned nothing else about programming, it's that code should be easy to understand at first glance after not seeing it for a few months. It might come at the cost of a few extra lines of code but, if I am able to immediately see the logic, it's worth it.


P.S. My PHP6 and MySQL5 book is in several chunks now after having rebound it twice. I admit I've not been easy on it though. Hope to get a newer version some day when one comes out (??)



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