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Larry Ullman's Book Forums

New Edition?

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I really enjoy your PHP & MySQL 5th Edition; we are adopting it for our course.  My question is would you have a current book for our JavaScript course?  We are using a book from 2015 and feel we need something newer.  Please advise.  Thanks.

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Hey! Thanks for the interest and for the nice words. My publisher is planning on doing a revision of the JavaScript book but there's no timeline for that yet. Sorry I don't have anything specific for you, but that does mean it wouldn't come out within the next six months, at the least.

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  • 2 years later...

Thanks for your question and for the interest! Unfortunately there has not been any developments. I've not spoken to the publisher in a while and I'm not available to do it myself (I still need to complete the second edition of another book before I do anything). Sorry!

Hope you are well as well!

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