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Setting Flash Messages From Models


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Hi Larry and all,


I've got a small function in my user controller that just confirms an email address and activation code, I then use this to activate a user.


// Start of function code is $x and $ y valid etc			
                       User::model()->activateUser($x, $y);
			} else {
				Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error','Bad activation length');
		} else {
				Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error','Bad email format');


So in short, if $x or $y are invalid I set the flash message which works fine. However, I call this function (in bold) to update my User model.


	public function activateUser($x, $y)
		$model = User::model()->findByAttributes(array('email'=>$x, 'active'=>$y));
		if($model === NULL)

		        throw new CDbException('These credentials, didn\'t match any records on file'); 
} else { 
// Record returned validate new record 
if($model->validate()) {
 $model->active = NULL; 
return 'ACTIVATED'; 









So I wasn't sure how I pass a database error in a tidy way, like a flash message to say to the user "These credentials didn't match anything on file." This just provides the detailed error report. Because you can't use $this-> render() from inside the model()??? In the same way I couldn't figure out how to go about passing a success 'Activated' message either. 






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Yeah, you don't render from inside models. I would just have the function return a Boolean indicating success and then use the results of that function call in the controller to know whether to set a good/bad flash message. 

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I would go for custom exceptions. Definetly the cleanest approach I can think of.


try {
   User::model()->activateUser($x, $y);
catch ( InvalidActivationException $iae ) {
// Render


Just add the exceptions to your model.

class Model .... {
   public function activateUser($x, $y)
       $model = User::model()->findByAttributes(array('email'=>$x, 'active'=>$y));
       if($model === NULL)
           throw new InvalidActivationException("Something bad happened");

 * InvalidActivationException
class InvalidActivationException extends Exception {
    public function __construct($message) { parent::__construct($message); }


Hope that helps man. :)

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What I went for was:


// rest of $_GET checks

					// try to activate the user
					User::model()->activateUser($x, $y);
				} catch (InvalidActivationException $invalidActivationMessage) {
					 // Set error message	
					 // render view

			} else {
				// Set error message	
				Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error','Bad activation length');
				// render view

		} else {
				// Set error message
				Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error','Bad email format');
				// render view


I put in my own custom exception like Antonio said


Model.php was


	public function activateUser($x, $y)
		$model = User::model()->findByAttributes(array('email'=>$x, 'active'=>$y));
		if($model === NULL)
		// No records returned throw error
		throw new InvalidActivationException("Something bad happened");

		} else {
			// Record returned, validate new record
				$model->active = NULL;


I wasn't sure exactly how to link the Model and controller when returning the boolean value. I'm sure it's pretty straight forward but today it's not happening for me.  :wacko:

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  • 2 weeks later...

How I went about this was this for those interested: 




public function activateUser($x, $y)
		$model = User::model()->findByAttributes(array('email'=>$x, 'active'=>$y));
		if($model === NULL)
		// No records returned throw error
		throw new InvalidActivationException("Something bad happened");

		} else {
			// Record returned, validate new record
				$model->active = NULL;
					    return true;



And in the controller:



// rest of $_GET checks

					// try to activate the user
					$register_success = User::model()->activateUser($x, $y);

                                        if($register_success == true)
                                        // Set success message
						Yii::app()->user->setFlash('success','You have now been registered!');
						// render view
				} catch (InvalidActivationException $invalidActivationMessage) {
					 // Set error message	
					 // render view

			} else {
				// Set error message	
				Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error','Bad activation length');
				// render view

		} else {
				// Set error message
				Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error','Bad email format');
				// render view
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Thanks Thomas,


You know I actually was half way through writing my ideas down in a private message to help me fix the last part. And whilst trying to explain my thoughts (as I haven't looked at this for a good few days). I thought i'd just try to see how my ideas got on and it worked. I'm sure I tried something very similar before, must have just missed something out and it was failing.


Rubber ducking as Larry calls it! 




Thomas for your help  :D

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