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Wishlist.Php, Parse Error: Syntax Error, Unexpected $End

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Hi guys.  Finally at the end of Chapter 10.
I have a problem with the wishlist.php.
The cart.php works fine, and they are nearly the same.
When I transfer stuff to the 'Wishlist', I get this error:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /hermes/waloraweb004/b1384/moo.laissezfairelondonco/wolfcut.co.uk/wishlist.php on line 110

I have been trying to locate the missing parenthesis error from beginning to end for half a day, so I guess its time to ask for help. I've made sure all the single and double quotations are as they should be, so I don't think its that.

The script is from downloads. Only the pathways and stored procedures sections are different.


// This file manages the wish list.
// This script is begun in Chapter 9.

// Require the configuration before any PHP code:
require ('./includes/config.inc.php');

// Check for, or create, a user session:
if (isset($_COOKIE['SESSION'])) {
	$uid = $_COOKIE['SESSION'];
} else {
	$uid = md5(uniqid('biped',true));

// Send the cookie:
setcookie('SESSION', $uid, time()+(60*60*24*30));

// Include the header file:
$page_title = 'Coffee - Your Wish List';
include ('./includes/header.html');

// Require the database connection:
require ('../mysql.inc.php');

// Need the utility functions:
include ('./includes/product_functions.inc.php');

// If there's a SKU value in the URL, break it down into its parts:
if (isset($_GET['sku'])) {
	list($sp_type, $pid) = parse_sku($_GET['sku']);

if (isset ($sp_type, $pid, $_GET['action']) && ($_GET['action'] == 'remove') ) { // Remove it from the wish list.
	$r = mysqli_query($dbc, "CALL remove_from_wish_list('$uid', '$sp_type', $pid)");

} elseif (isset ($sp_type, $pid, $_GET['action'], $_GET['qty']) && ($_GET['action'] == 'move') ) { // Move it to the wish list.

	// Determine the quantity:
	$qty = (filter_var($_GET['qty'], FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, array('min_range' => 1))) ? $_GET['qty'] : 1;

	// Add it to the wish list:
$r = mysqli_query($dbc, "SELECT id FROM carts where user_session_id='$uid' AND product_type='$sp_type' AND product_id=$pid");
if (mysqli_num_rows($r) == 1) { // Exists in cart, UPDATE!
    list($cid) = mysqli_fetch_array($r, MYSQLI_NUM);
    $r = mysqli_query($dbc, "UPDATE carts SET quantity=quantity+1, date_modified=NOW() WHERE id=$cid");
} else { // Not in cart, INSERT!
    $r = mysqli_query($dbc, "INSERT INTO carts (user_session_id, product_type, product_id, quantity) VALUES ('$uid', '$sp_type', $pid, 1)");

	// For debugging purposes:
	if (!$r) echo mysqli_error($dbc);
	// Remove it from the cart:
	$r = mysqli_query($dbc, "DELETE FROM carts WHERE user_session_id='$uid' AND product_type='$sp_type' AND product_id=$pid");

	// For debugging purposes:
	if (!$r) echo mysqli_error($dbc);

} elseif (isset($_POST['quantity'])) { // Update quantities in the wish list.
	// Loop through each item:
	foreach ($_POST['quantity'] as $sku => $qty) {
		// Parse the SKU:
		list($sp_type, $pid) = parse_sku($sku);
		if (isset($sp_type, $pid)) {

			// Determine the quantity:
			$qty = (filter_var($qty, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, array('min_range' => 0)) !== false) ? $qty : 1;

			// Update the quantity in the wish list:

if ($qty > 0) {
    $r = mysqli_query($dbc, "UPDATE carts SET quantity=$qty, date_modified=NOW() WHERE user_session_id='$uid' AND product_type='$sp_type' AND product_id=$pid");
} elseif ($qty == 0) {
    $r = mysqli_query($dbc, "DELETE FROM carts WHERE user_session_id='$uid' AND product_type='$sp_type' AND product_id=$pid");

		} // End of FOREACH loop.
}// End of main IF.
// Get the wish list contents:
$r = mysqli_query($dbc, "SELECT CONCAT('O', ncp.id) AS sku, c.quantity, ncc.category, ncp.name, ncp.price, ncp.stock, sales.price AS sale_price
						FROM carts AS c INNER JOIN non_coffee_products AS ncp ON c.product_id=ncp.id
						INNER JOIN non_coffee_categories AS ncc ON ncc.id=ncp.non_coffee_category_id
						LEFT OUTER JOIN sales ON (sales.product_id=ncp.id AND sales.product_type='other'
						AND ((NOW() BETWEEN sales.start_date AND sales.end_date) OR (NOW() > sales.start_date AND sales.end_date IS NULL)) )
						WHERE c.product_type='other' AND c.user_session_id='$uid'
						UNION SELECT CONCAT('C', sc.id), c.quantity, gc.category, CONCAT_WS(' - ', s.size, sc.caf_decaf, sc.ground_whole), sc.price, sc.stock, sales.price
						FROM carts AS c INNER JOIN specific_coffees AS sc ON c.product_id=sc.id INNER JOIN sizes AS s ON s.id=sc.size_id
						INNER JOIN general_coffees AS gc ON gc.id=sc.general_coffee_id LEFT OUTER JOIN sales ON (sales.product_id=sc.id
						AND sales.product_type='coffee' AND ((NOW() BETWEEN sales.start_date AND sales.end_date) OR (NOW() > sales.start_date AND sales.end_date IS NULL)) )
						WHERE c.product_type='coffee' AND c.user_session_id='$uid'");

if (mysqli_num_rows($r) > 0) { // Products to show!
	include ('./views/wishlist.html');
} else { // Empty cart!
	include ('./views/emptylist.html');

// Finish the page:
include ('./includes/footer.html');
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