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Issue With Daylight Saving Time

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I'm having the following issue to build-up a liturgical calendar; the mistake is related to the daylight saving time, which adds 1h and makes my whole construction invalid:

	$date = strtotime('09-05-2013');
	echo "Date: ".$date."<br />";
	// May 9th, 2013 is the effective date of Ascension

	//The year can be easily extracted from the date
	$year = date('Y', $date);
	echo "Year: ".$year."<br />";

	// The date of Easter can be easily extracted thanks to the corresponding php-native "easter_date" function
	$easter = easter_date($year);

	// The ascension is 39 days after Easter
	$ascension = ($easter + (39*86400));
	echo "Ascension: ".$ascension."<br />";

	if ($date == $ascension) {
		echo "It's Ascension";
	} else {
		echo "There is a mistake in the code"; }


The problem is: the date of 09-05-2013 gives a string which is 3600 sec. more than the calculated value based on Easter.
What can I do to define correctly the $ascension value from Easter, knowing that the daylight saving change does not always occur every year between Easter and Ascension?


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Look at the notes in the manual. As it says there, easter_date() is based on the TZ environment variable rather than the default time zone. They do attach a function to solve the problem: :)

 * Get Unix timestamp for midnight on Easter of a given year
 * This function fixes easter_days()'s TZ environment problem
function get_easter_datetime($year) {
   $days = easter_days($year);

   $date = new DateTime("$year-03-21");
   $date->add(new DateInterval("P{$days}D"));

   // Get the correct timestamp from the object
   return $date->getTimestamp();

Hope that helps you out.

Edited by Antonio Conte
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Yes, it's object oriented. That doesn't really matter in the end here, though. Both the classes used are part of PHP, so you can drop the exact (updated) code I posted into your own code and use it. You don't have to understand the underlaying logic of DateTime or DateInterval to play with them. ;)


This should give you what you want

// Paste the function into your code (like below) Or require/include a file with it
function get_easter_datetime($year) {
    $days = easter_days($year);    

    // Create a DateTime object 
    $date = new DateTime("$year-03-21");

    // and add the number of days after March 21
    // on which Easter falls for the given year
    $date->add(new DateInterval("P{$days}D"));
    // Return the result as a unix timestamp
    return $date->getTimestamp();

$date = strtotime('09-05-2013');
echo "Date: ".$date."<br />";
// May 9th, 2013 is the effective date of Ascension

// The year can be easily extracted from the date
$year = date('Y', $date);
echo "Year: ".$year."<br />";

// Work with function here
$easter = get_easter_datetime($year);

// The ascension is 39 days after Easter
$ascension = ($easter + (39*86400));
echo "Ascension: ".$ascension."<br />";
echo ($date == $ascension) ? "It's Ascension" : "There is a mistake in the code";

Assuming your logic is sound, this should work perfectly. It's as simple as pasting the function into your project and using get_easter_datetime() instead of easter_days().


Edit: Really sorry. I didn't notice the object was returned rather than a value. I ammended the function to return a unix timestamp instead.


Edit 2: Added explanatory comments to the function.

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