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Paypal Action Required Message Http 1.1

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I received an email from Paypal that I need to update from http 1.0 to http 1.1 for the ipn script?


Any thoughts on what to do?


Here is the message:

"n a bulletin dated October 18, 2011, we announced that we were going to expand the number of IP addresses for www.paypal.com to improve our site’s performance, scalability and availability. As part of this transition, we planned to discontinue support for HTTP 1.0 protocol startingOctober 7, 2013.

We have recently identified that this change may impact the ability of some of our merchants to perform IPN (Instant Payment Notification) post-back validation or PDT (Payment Data Transfer) posts to www.paypal.com and ipnpb.paypal.com. This happens when the IPN or PDT scripts use HTTP 1.0 protocol and do not include the “Host: www.paypal.com” or “Host:ipnpb.paypal.com” header in the HTTP request.

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