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Chapter 15 Problem With Options.Success = Function(Response)

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Hi all,


I've hit a roadblock and I can't debug this issue. Infact, I'm amazed that it's not working. It seems like something trivial but i can't see it.


So in chapter 15, there is an AJAX request and everything works fine except the switch statement is not working as I would expect and as a result, the jQuery code is not being executed.


The console returns CORRECT so this means the response is returned from the php file successfully but I can't figure out why the switch statement doesn't take this response variable and compare it with the case statements.


Can anyone see what is wrong?

			options.success = function(response) {

                console.log(response); // I see CORRECT in the console.

                    case 'CORRECT':
                    console.log('I can see the response!'); //fails
                    // Hide the form:
                    // Show a message:
                    $('#results').text('You are now logged in!');

                    case 'INCORRECT':
                    console.log('I can see the response!'); //fails
                    $('#results').text('The submitted credentials do not match those on file!');

                    case 'INCOMPLETE':
                    console.log('I can see the response!'); //fails
                    $('#results').text('Please provide an email address and a password!');

                    case 'INVALID_EMAIL':
                    console.log('I can see the response!'); //fails
                    $('#results').text('Please provide a valid email address!');

                    default :
                        console.log('why can i not see the response?'); // successfully executed

                console.log('got this far'); // successfully exectued 
			}; // End of success.
			options.url = 'login_ajax.php';
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Hi Hartley,

Thanks, padding was the issue. I hadn't expected that since I didn't add any whitespace.

I had already checked for the type but that was not the issue.

Was it whitespace around "CORRECT" or is it apostrophes?

Do you know why? [ I wasn't expecting that at all]


Thanks again for your assistance, here is the code with the solution:

			options.success = function(response) {

                console.log(response); // I see CORRECT in the console.

                console.log(response.length); // returns 9

                console.log(typeof response); // returns string

                var trimmed_response = $.trim(response);

                console.log(trimmed_response.length); // returns 7

				// Worked:

                    case "CORRECT":
                    console.log('I can see the response!'); //works
                    // Hide the form:
                    // Show a message:
                    $('#results').text('You are now logged in!');

                    case 'INCORRECT':
                    console.log('I can see the response!'); //works
                    $('#results').text('The submitted credentials do not match those on file!');

                    case 'INCOMPLETE':
                    $('#results').text('Please provide an email address and a password!');

                    case 'INVALID_EMAIL':
                    console.log('I can see the response!'); //works
                    $('#results').text('Please provide a valid email address!');

                    default :
                        console.log('why can i not see the response?'); // successfully executed

                console.log('got this far');
			}; // End of success.
			options.url = 'login_ajax.php';
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