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Larry Ullman's Book Forums

Get_Password_Hash Issues

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Dear Larry,


I have been doing my registration and login.php on separate pages. Registration succeed but I can not login. When I remove the part of get_ password_hash, the $q is Ok, the user can see the welcome page. OF course, I can't accept any one using only user name to login. I have tried to resend new password to user, it succeed. How to overcome this get_password_hash issue? It seems that the hash is not the same with the one on database. while the password is the same. Why this issue?

Please provide another method to overcome this. I have seen new book on the same subject, unfortunately it will be on December, while I am in need of Kind version now.


Also, I wish to redirect a user after registration to welcome page. Many errors on head already sent are displayed. Of course, I did the following:


If Insert into db succeed, then redirect the user to by using: Header('Location:Welcome.php'); Why is going through?




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