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Creating Custom Views For Different Users


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I played around with this for some time and couldn't get it to work properly. It removes "Delete" button for both authenticated users:


                                'visible'=>"(Yii::app()->user->checkAccess('demo')) ? true : false;",


My access rules are:


    public function accessRules()
        return array(
            array('allow',  // allow all users to perform 'index' and 'view' actions
                        array('deny', // can't create, update, delete
            array('allow', // can create, update, delete
            array('allow', // can access CGridView
            array('deny',  // deny all users


So, the CGridView shows for both users, which is what I want, but the "Delete" button doesn't appear for both users which is what I don't want. The good thing though is that I'm not getting errors with this code. :) I'll keep working with what you gave me though.

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The checkAccess() method performs an access check for the user we both should be using either Yii::app()->user->Name or Yii::app()->user->Id to find the actual username of the logged in user for static authentication values which you have. I hope for both of our sakes we have the correct answer this time. :D

'visible'=>"(Yii::app()->user->Name==='admin') ? true : false;",

This was actually the first time i had to go into investigate CWebUser a little more, i didn't understand my self why static actually work but now i do. I am using database authentication with my website but i truly understand why you are using static values, if i were in your situation i would do the same.

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Looks like that's the one!! :) Yea!! I was actually using Yii::app()->user->name == 'admin' about a week ago, but it didn't work because I didn't kow the correct syntax, and it was erroring out so I abandoned it.  The key was the "", the === and the ternary. I can't find this anywhere I was looking. Thanks Edward. Here's the whole thing as intended:


                                'visible'=>"(Yii::app()->user->name==='admin') ? true : false;",
                                'visible'=>"(Yii::app()->user->name==='admin') ? true : false;",


Now, any authenticated user, other than admin will only see a "View" button--admin sees "View", "Update" and "Delete". I can retire this project now. Thanks again.

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