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I am a OOP-newbie - and I like this book a lot :-)


None of the the two classes in the chapter, User and Page, have a $pdo in the constructer. This means that all db-handling(select, insert) is in the controller-pages and not in the classes. There could be a getUserName-method in the User-class, but no.


I found another userclass on the internet where the $pdo is in the constructor, and then I can make a getUserName-method. BUT - if I then want to make some of the db-handling in the controller-page and not inside the class, the $pdo is required in the constructor, if I want to fetch data into my object. So I can't do that?

Error: Missing argument 1 for User::__construct()


It seems like that if I have the $pdo in the constructor, I MUST do all db-handling inside the class. And if I dont have the $pdo in the constructor I MUST do all db-handling outside the class(in the controller page).


My question is: when should I have the $pdo in my constructor?


Kim K

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There's no definite answer here. It pretty much depends on what you need to do with the class. There's a principle called the "Single responsibility principle" I really like. It says that a class and each method should only have one responsibility. This can often be a bit tricky to define, but "representing a User instance" and "creating a User instance" is so different they should probably be handled by different classes... So, how can do we do that?


1. Create a model:

Create a new class that takes the PDO object in the constructor and add methods for operations such a CRUD. On Select-type operations, build a User object and return it. The class will resemble the typical "Model" classes you find in frameworks. This is (often) my preferred way to handle this.

class User
    // As normal

class UserModel

    private $pdo;

    public function __constructor ( PDO $pdo )
        $this->pdo = $pdo;

    public function fetchById( $userId )
        $result = // Perform PDO query and fetch to result:
        return new User( $result->username, .... ); // Create object


2. Use a Factory:

Create a factory method or a class. If all you need to do with an object is creating it (as is often the case) a factory method can be suitable:

class User 

    // vars

    private function __construct( $username, $realName, $accessLevel )
        $this->username = $username;
    public static function createById( PDO $pdo, $userId )
        // use PDO to fetch user into $row....
        return new self($row->userName, $row->realName, $row->accessLevel);
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