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Change Specific Html Table Row By Jquery.ajax

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I have an HTML table generated by PHP querying from MySQL table.

          <th>Article Name</th>
          <th>Publish Status</th>
          $i = 1;
          foreach ($obj->showAllFromTable('pattern') as $pattern) {
          <td><?php echo $i++; ?></td>
          <td><?php echo $id; ?></td>
          <td><?php echo $pattern_name; ?></td>
          <td id="publish_<?php echo $id; ?>" class="status_pattern">
             <?php echo $publish; ?>

I want to change the status of any article by clicking on the 'publish' cell of the corresponding article row. I am trying to use ajax method of jquery for this purpose as shown in the following:

    <script type="text/javascript">
        var thisid = $(this).attr('id');
            url: "status_change_pattern.php",
            data: {
                id: thisid
            success: function (response) {
In the "success" block, instead of "alert", I want to create a functionality to change the text of the specific cell which I clicked. The "status_change_pattern.php" has just a text "Hey Hey".
Can anyone help? Please.

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Hey Hartley San, I'm sure you don't remember me. But you were my savior in the past...

Thanks for your kind response.

I have found the following to be a perfect solution:


Got the above from forum.jquery.com.

Thanks again.

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