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Ex1 - Html Content Multiple Cat

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hello thanks for an answer.


Yes, it's only an application and the developement of "html content multiple cat" of ex 1.



For the query SELECT, I can not recover in the Form the registered tag of the bd . 
Only one appears and is always the last in the list. 
For select  the tag's field, I  use "GOUP_CONCAT (tag) and the result is a list of string of tags. 
ie : végétarien,classique
I transformed into array with the function preg_split with a comma: preg_split ("/ [\,] + /", $ tag); 
I created a foreach and I compare the name for the index recovered for :
la value : végétarien , tag_id = 1 ;  la value : classique , tag_id = 5
$tag("végétarien", 1);
tag $ ('classique', 5);
But no, 
only one result is cheked , the last one  :  tag $ ('classique', 5) 
I really do not understand where is the error; 
thank you for advice or a solution perhaps
best regards
<div class="checkbox form-control">
		<label for="tag" class="control-label">Tag</label>
		$qt="SELECT * FROM tag ORDER BY tag DESC";
			while ($rowt=mysqli_fetch_array($r, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {?>
			<div class="checkbox <?php if(array_key_exists('tag', $update_page_errors)) echo ' has-error'; ?>">
						 	<input type="checkbox" name="tag[]" id="<?php echo $rowt['tag'] ?>" value="<?php echo $rowt['tag_id'] ?>"
						 	if(isset ($tag) && ($tag_id== $rowt['tag_id']) ) echo !empty('checked="checked"') ? 'checked="checked"' : '';?>><?php echo $rowt['tag'] ?>
		    <?php if(array_key_exists('tag', $update_page_errors)) echo'<span class="help-bloc">'.$update_page_errors['tag'].'</span>'; ?>
			<?php } ?>

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Book "Effortless E-Commerce with PHP and MySQL (2nd Edition)" -- Annexe -- html content multiple cat" of ex1- suite.


i find the soluce

is in the form checkbox with the in_array function


and transform the result of $tag

// php/sql query SELECT

GROUP_CONCAT(t.tag) AS tag



$tagNom = preg_split("/[\,]+/", $tag );
<div class="checkbox form-control">
		<label for="tag" class="control-label">Tag</label>
		$qt="SELECT tag_id, tag FROM tag ORDER BY tag DESC";
			while ($rowt=mysqli_fetch_array($r, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {
			$monTag_id = $rowt['tag_id'];
			$monTag = $rowt['tag'];
			<div class="checkbox <?php if(array_key_exists('tag', $update_page_errors)) echo ' has-error'; ?>">
						 	<input type="checkbox" name="tag[]" id="<?php echo $monTag ?>" value="<?php echo $rowt['tag_id'] ?>"
						 	if( isset($tagNom) && in_array( $monTag , $tagNom ) ) echo !empty('checked="checked"') ? 'checked="checked"' : '';?>><?php echo $rowt['tag'] ?>
		    <?php if(array_key_exists('tag', $update_page_errors)) echo'<span class="help-bloc">'.$update_page_errors['tag'].'</span>'; ?>
			<?php } ?>


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so now this part of reflexion and application is ok.


I find all code for the part of Extending the first site, 


"Placing HTML content in Multiple Category" p.406 .


I use Tag for Category.


Certainly, some ameliorations are possible, but it's match.


All suggestions are welcome.


//le code en extraits

if( isset($_GET['page_id']) && !$_POST ){
	//recuperer les infos
	$page_id = $_GET['page_id'];
			$q = "SELECT  les valeurs  FROM pages WHERE page_id=?";
			$stmt = mysqli_prepare($dbc, $q);
			//associe selon 
			mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt,'i', $page_id);
			mysqli_stmt_bind_result($stmt, $user_id, les valeurs, etc...);
			$OK = mysqli_stmt_execute($stmt);
			//pour la table des tags
			$q = 'SELECT tag_id FROM pages_tag WHERE page_id=?';
			$stmt = mysqli_prepare($dbc, $q);
			mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt,'i', $_GET['page_id']);
			mysqli_stmt_bind_result($stmt, $tag_id);
			$OK = mysqli_stmt_execute($stmt);
			//loop tag à récuperer (voir avec Formulaire)
			$selected_tags = array();
				while (mysqli_stmt_fetch($stmt) ) {
					$selected_tags[] = $tag_id;
		}//end if GET
//et maintenant le formulaire à enregistrer
	$page_id = $_POST['page_id'];
	if(!empty($_POST['title']) ){
			$title = escape_data(strip_tags($_POST['title']), $dbc);
			$update_page_errors['title'] = 'SVP, un titre';
     //les autres valeurs à verifier
	if(empty($update_page_errors) ){
			$q ="UPDATE pages SET VALEURS=? WHERE page_id=? ";
		         $stmt = mysqli_prepare($dbc, $q);
			mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, 'iisssssssi', $VALEURS);
                  $title= strip_tags($_POST['title']);
	          $done = mysqli_stmt_execute($stmt);	
		//delete les valeurs existantes de tag
		$q = "DELETE FROM pages_tag WHERE page_id=?";
				$stmt = mysqli_prepare($dbc,$q);
				mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, 'i', $_POST['page_id']);
		//inserer les nouvelles valeurs pour la table pages_tag
		if(isset($_POST['tag'])	&& is_numeric($_POST['page_id']) ){	
			$page_id = (int) $_POST['page_id'];
				foreach ($_POST['tag'] as $tag_id) {
				$values[]="($page_id, " . (int) $tag_id . ')';
	$qInsert ='INSERT INTO pages_tag (page_id, tag_id) VALUES '  . implode(',', $values);
			mysqli_query($dbc, $qInsert);
			}//fin values
		}//end if postTag et page_id
	}//END pas erreur $update
		else {
 echo 'Tous les champs doivent être remplis';
} //ifPost UPDATE

best regards


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