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Not Urgent: Escape_Data() V. $Mysqli->Real_Escape_String()

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Hi Larry (and all).


I had a problem on my VPS that forced me to look a bit more closely at cleaning strings before writing them to MySQL.  


So this got me to wonder:  What is the difference between escape_data() and $mysqli->real_escape_string()?


Larry uses functions like this one during the login process:


 $fn = escape_data($_POST['first_name'], $dbc);


Other authors suggest functions like this one: 

$fn = $mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST['first_name']);


Can someone explain the difference between them (and which one is "preferred")? 

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escape_data() is a function that you define in one of your scripts. I have seen various versions of this function but my understanding is that the function tests which environment you are running in and then applies the appropriate PHP escape_data_string function to the data. 


So one is a function you define, the other is a standard PHP function (or method in your case above).


Please correct me if my understanding is not correct.


Cheers from Oz.

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