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Larry Ullman's Book Forums

Stripe Error When Processing Payment..unable To Set Verify Locations

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Hi all, 


I am faced with an error from stripe when attempting to process a transaction on the billing_stripe.php page, i believe it has something to do with stripe accepting my SSL certificate which is self signed via openssl, do i have to edit one of the stripe files and give the path to my certificate? i am able to use https through my site pages with my self signed SSL certificate however when i process the order with https still enabled in the url address bar, i receive the following error messages:


"Unable to set verify locations"


"failed to create an SSL handle"


"Failed to enable crypto in"


"unable to connect to ssl://api.stripe.com:443 (Unknown error) in"


the error is occurring in the function stream_socket_client()


despite receiving the error i do receive the token from stripe and can see this also on my stripe dashboard on my account.


please advise on how to resolve the issue.


thanks in advance!


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HI Larry, thanks for replying, its ok i sorted the problem now, the error "Unable to set verify locations" and "failed to create an SSL handle" error were occuring because stripes file "ApiRequestor.php" was referencing the wrong path to their SSL certificate in my directory, a little fix in the path to help find the file sorted it.



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