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Stripe: Sending Email Address And Card Holder Name

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Thank you, Larry, for your online resource explaining the process of making a charge through Stripe. It was very thorough and super helpful.


Using the following code to create the charge object:

$charge = Stripe_Charge::create(array(
  "amount" => $amount,
  "currency" => "usd",
  "card" => $token,
  "description" => $email

I'm using the 'description' key to provide the email address, but when trying to setup email receipts within the Stripe dashboard, does Stripe know to send the receipt to the email found in the 'description'? If not, what can I do differently?


I was also wondering about the card holder's name, and how I can send that to Stripe as well to be part of the data for that charge.



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I now understand that I can add the 'receipt_email' key to the Charge array in PHP and the receipt option works great:

"receipt_email" => $email,

I'm still wondering how I can add the card holders name to the Card Details section of the Stripe page under Payments. Using the methods Larry provided, a new charge reads "Name: no name provided"

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I've got this one too. This has to be added to the Stripe token. When retrieving the token in jQuery, Larry's example code did this:

// Get the Stripe token:
  number: ccNum,
  cvc: cvcNum,
  exp_month: expMonth,
  exp_year: expYear,
}, stripeResponseHandler);

There are move key:value pairs that Stripe is looking for when creating the token. You can find them here, though this confused me at first.


We can add the card holder name to the token array like so:

// Get the Stripe token:
  number: ccNum,
  cvc: cvcNum,
  exp_month: expMonth,
  exp_year: expYear,
  name: your_name_var
}, stripeResponseHandler);

And 'your_name_var' will appear in the Dashboard under Name.

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